APPENDIX. Of the fonC!ijication of the Lord's day. T HE Lord's day ought to be fo remembered before-hand, as that all worldly bufinefs of our ordinary callings may be fo or– dered, and fo timely and feafonably laid afide, as they may not be impediments to the due fanctifying of the day when it comes. . The whole day is to be celebrated as holy to the Lord, both in pub– lic and private, as being the chrifl:ian fabbath. To which end it is requi. lite, that there be a holy ceffation, or refl:ing all the day, from all unne– ceffary labours; and an abftaining, not only from all fports and pa11imes, but alfo from all worldly words and thoughts. That the diet on that day be fo ordered, as that neither fervants be unne– ceffarily detained from the public worlhip of God, nor any other perfons hindered from the fanttifying that day. That there be private preparation of every perfon and family, by · prayer for themfelves, and for God's ailiftance of the minifter, and for a bleiling upon his miniftry; and by fuch other holy exercifes, as may further difpofe them to a more comfortable communion with God in his public ordinances. . That all the people meet fo timely for public worlhip, that the whole congregation may be prefent at the beginning, and with one heart folemn– ly join together in all parts of the public worihip, and not depart till after the bleiling. That what time is vacant, between, or after the folemn meetings of the con<>regation in public, be fpent in reading, meditation, repetition of fer– rnot~s; (efpecially by calling their families to an account of what they have heard), and catechizing of them, holy conferences, prayer for a bleffing upon the public ordinances, finging ofpfalms, vifiting the fick, relieving the poor, and fuch like duties of piety, charity and mercy, ac– counting the fabbath a delight. :The folemnization if marriage. A L T H 0 U G H marriage be no facrament, nor peculiar to the church of God, but common to mankind, and of public inte– re!l: in every commonwealth ; yet becaufe f~ch as .marr~ are. to mar– ry in the Lord, and have fpecial need of _m!l:ru0wn? directiOn, and exhortation from the word of God, at their entenng mto fuch a new condition s and of the bleffing of God ~pon them therein ; . ~e Judge it expedient, that marriage be folemmved by a lawful mimfter