APPENDIX. ·u them together by his providence, he would fanctify him by his '' fpirit, giving them a new frame of heart, fit for their new efiate. ·" enriching them with all graces, whereby they may perform th~ '" du~ies, enj?y the comforts, under~o. the cares, and reiiil: the temp– " tatwns whtch accompany that condition, as becometh chrifiians." The prayer being ended, it is convenient that the mini!ler do briefly de– clare unto them out of the fcripture, ·~ The i!1fiit~tion, uf~, and ends of marriage, with the conjugal du– ,, ttes, wluch, 111 all faJthfulnefs, they are to perform each to other. " exhorting them to fiudy the holy word of God, that they may !ear~ " to live by faith, and to be content in the midfi of all marriage-cares " and troubles, fanctifying God's name, in a thankful, fober, and ho– " ly ufe of all conjugal comforts; praying much with, and for one an– cc· other; watching over, and provoking each other to love and good " works; and to live together as the heirs of the grace of life." After folemn charging of the perfons to be married before the great -God, who fearcheth all hearts, and to whom they mull: give a firict account at the lafi day, that if either of them know any caufe, by precontract, or otherwife, why they may not lawfully proceed to mar– riage, that they now difcover it : The minifl:er (if no impediment be acknowledged), fhall caufe ~rft the man to take the woman by the right hand, faying thefe words, I N. do take thee N. to be my married wife, and do, in the prefence if God, and before this congregation, pr·omife and covenant to be a loving and faitlful hu.Jband unto tbee, until God jha/1ftparate us by death. Then the woman {hall take the man by his right hand, and fay thefe words, I N. do take thee N. to be my married hu.Jband, and I do, in the prefence of God, and before this congregation, promife and covenant to be a loving, faithful, and obedient wffe unto thee, until God jha/l flparate w by death. Then, without any further ceremony, the minifter {hall, in the face of the congregation, pronounce them to be h~ilian~ and wife, acco~ding to God's ordinance; and fo conclude the actiOn With prayer to thts ef– fect· "' That the Lord would be pleafed to accompany his own ordinance " with his bleffing, befeeching him to enrich the perfons now married, " as with other pledges of his love, fo particularly with the comforts and " fruits