APPENDIX. " fi·uits of marriage, to the praife of his abundant mercy, in and thro' " Chri!l: Jefus." A regifler is to be carefully kept, wherein the names of the parties fo married, with the time of their marriage, are forthwith to be fairly recorded in a book, provided for that purpofe, for the perufal of all whom it may concern. Concerning vi)itation of the fick. I T is the duty of the mini!l:er, not only to teach the people com• mitted to his charge, in public; but privately and particularly to admonilh, exhort, reprove, and comfort them, upon all feafonable occafions, fo far as his time, fl:rength and perfonal fafety, will permit. He is to admonilh them, in time of health, to prepare for death; and for that purpofe, they are often to confer with their minifler about the e!l:ate of their fouls; and in times of ficknefs, to defire his advice and help, timely and feaionably, before their fl:rength and undcrfl:anding fail them. Times of ficknefs at1d affiiCl.ion are fpecial opportunities put into his hand by God, to mini!l:er a word in feafon .to weary fouls; becaufe then the confciences of men are, or lhould be more awakened to bethink themfelves of their fpiritual efiates for eternity; and fatan alfo takes ad– vantage then, to load them more with fore and heavy temptations: Therefore the minifl:er being fent for, and repairing to the fick, is to ap– ply himfelf with all tendernefs and love, to adminifier fome fpiritual good to his foul to this effect. He may, from the confideration of the prefent ficknefs, infiruCl: him out of fcripture, that difeafes come not by chance, or by di!l:empers of body only, but by the wife and orderly guidance of the good hand of God, to every particular perfon fmitten by them. And that, whether it be laid upon him out of difpleafurc for fin, for his correction and a– mendment, or for trial and exercife of his graces, or for other fpecial and excellent ends, all his fufferings !hall turn to his profit, and work to· gether for his good, if he fincerely labour to make a fanctified ufe of God's vifitation, neither defpifing his chafining, nor waxing weary of his correction. If he fufpect him of ignorance, he !hall examine him in the princi– ples of religion, efpecially touching repentance and faith; and as he feeth caufe, infiruct him in the nature, ufe, excellency, and neceffity of thofe graces; as alfo touching the covenant of grace, and Chrill: the Son of God, the mediator of it, and concerning remiffion of fins by faith in him, VoL. II. 5 P He