APPENDIX. He /hall exhort the fick perfon to examine himfelf, to fearch and try his former ways, and his ell:ate towards God. . And if the lick perfon lhall declare any fcruple, doubt or temptation that are upon him, infhuctions and refolutions !hall be given to fatisfy and fettle him. If it appear that he bath not a due fenfe of his fins, endeavours ought to be ufed to convince him of his fins, of the guilt and defert of them ; of the filth and pollution which the foul contracts by them ; and of the curfe of the law, and wrath of God, due to them ; that he may be truly affected with, and humbled for them: And withal to make known the danger of deferring repentance, and of neglecting falvation at any time offered 1 to awaken his confcience, and roufe him up out of a ll:upid and fecure condition, to apprehend the juflice and wrath of God, before whom none can !l:and, but he that, being loll: in himfelf, layeth hold upon Chrill: by faith. If he have endeavoured to walk in the ways of holinefs, and to ferve God in uprightnefs, although not without mJny failings and infirmi– ties; or if his fpirit be broken with the fenfe of fin, or call: down through want of the fenfe of God's favour, then it will be fit to raife him up, by fetting before him the freenefs and fulnefs of God's grace, the fuffiriency of righteoufnefs in Chriit, the gracious offers iri the gofpel, that all who repent and believe with all their heart in God's mercy thro' Chri!l:, renouncing their own righteoufnefs, lhall have life and falvation in him: It may be alfo ufeful to lhew him, that death bath in it no fpiri– tual evil, to be feared by thofc that are in Chrifl:, becaufe fin, the fting of death, is taken away by Chrill:, who bath delivered all that are his, from the bondage of the fear of death, triumphed over the grave, gi– ven us victory, is himfelf entered into glory, to prepare a place for his people: So that neither life nor death !hall be able to feparate them from God's love in Chri!l:, in whom fuch are fure, though now they mull: be laid in the dull:, to obtain a joyful and glorious refurrection to eternal life. Advice alfo may be given, as to beware of an ill-grounded per– fuafion on mercy, or on the goodnefs of his condition for heaven, fo to difclaim all merit in himfelf, and to caft himfelf wholly upon God for mercy, in the foie merits and mediation of Jefus Cbrill:, who bath en– gaged himfelf never to call: off them, who in truth and fincerity come unto him. Care alfo mull: be taken, that the fick perfon be not caft down into defpair, by fuch a fevere reprefentation of the wrath. of God due to him for his fins, as is not mollified by a feafonable propoundwg of Chrill: and his merit, for a door of hope to every penitent believer. When