APPENDIX. When the fick perfon is bell: compofed, may be leafl diil:urbed, and other necdfary offices about him leafl hindered, the mini!1er, if defired, fhall pray with him, and for him, to this effeCt ; " Confeffing and bewailing of fin original and actual; the miferable " condition of all by nature, as being children of wrath, and under the " curfe; acknowledging that all difeafes, fickneifes, death, and hell it– ,, felf, are the proper iffues and effeCts thereof; imploring God's mercy '' for the fick perfon through the blood of Chrift ; befeeching that God " would open his eyes, difcover unto him his fins, caufe him to fee him– " fclf lol1 in himfelf, make known to him the caufe why God fmiteth '· him, reveal Jefus Chrifl to his foul for righteoufnefs and life, give un– " to him his holy fpirit to create and firengthen faith, to lay hold upon " Chrift, to work in him comfortable evidences of his love, to arm him " againft temptations, to take off his heart from the world, to fanCl:ify " his prefent vifitation, to furni!h him with patience and firength to bear " it, and to give him perfeverance in faith to the end. " That if God fhall pleafe to add to his Jays, he would vouchfafe to " blefs and fantl:ify all means of his recovery, to remove the difeafe, re– " new his ftrength, and enable him to walk worthy of God, oy a faithful " remembrance, and diligent obferving of fuch vows and promifes of ho– " lineCs and obedience, as men are apt to make in times of ficknefs, that he " may glorify God in the remaining part of his life. " And if God have determined to finifh his days by the prefent vifita– !< tion, he may find fuch evidence of toe pardon of all his fins, of his in– " tereft in Chrift, and eternal life by Chrin, as may caufe his inward man " to be renewed, while his outward man decayeth; that he may behold " death without fear, cafi himfelf wholly upon Chrift without doubting, " ddire to be diffolved and be with Chrifi, and fo receive the end of his " faith, the falvation of his foul, thro' the only merits and interceffion of " the Lord Jefus Chrift, our alone Saviour, and all-fufficient Redeemer." The minifier fhall admonifh him alfo (as there !hall be caufe), to fet his houfe in order, thereby to prevent inconveniencics; to take care for the payment of his debts, and to make reftitution or fatisfaCl:ion where he hath done any wrong, to be reconciled to thofe with whom he bath been at variance, and fully to forgive all men their trefpaffes againft him, as he ex– petl:s forgivenefs at the hand of God. Laftly, the minifier may improve the prefent occafion to exhort tbofe about the fick perfon, to confider their own mortality, to return to the Lord, and make peace with him ; in health to prepare for ficknefs, death, and judgment ; and all the days of their appointed time, [o to wait until their change come, that when Chrift, who is our life, fhall appear, they may appear with him in glory. 5 p 2 Co12-