A P P E N D I X. may be fettled in their hearts for ever, and themfelves may more fenfibly find, that God bath fmelt a fweet fa vour in Chrifi from their performan– ces, and is pacified towards them, by anfwers of grace, in pardoning of fin, in -removing of judgments, in averting or preventing of plagues, and in conferring of bleffings, fuitable to ,the conditions and prayers of his people by Jefus Chrifi. Befide folemn and general fafis enjoined by authority, we judge, that at other times congregations may keep days of fai1ing, as divine provi– dence fi1all admini!l:er unto them fpeci J! occafions. And alfo, that fami– lies may do the £1me, fo it be not on days wherein the congregation to which they do belong, is to meet forfafiing, or other public duties of woriliip. Concerning the objervation of days of public thankjgiving. W H E N any fuch day is to be kept, let notice be given of it, and of the occaiion thereof, fome convenient time before, that the people may the better prepare themfelvcs thereunto. The day being come, and the congregation (after private preparations), being afTembled, the minifier is to begin with a word of exhortation, to fiir up the people to the duty for which they are met, and with a iliort prayer for God's affi!l:ance and bld1ing (as at other conventions for public worfi1ip), according to the particular occafion of their meeting. Let him then make fome pithy narration of the deliverance obtained, or mercy received, or of whatever bath occafioned that afiembling of the congregation, that all may better underfiand it, or be minded of it, and more affected with it. And becaufe finging of pfalms is of all other the mofi proper ordinance for expreffing of joy and thankfgiving, let fome pertinent pfalm or pfalms be fung for that purpofe, before or after the reading of fome portion of the word, fuitable to the prefent bufinefs. Then let t~e minifier who is to preach, proceed to further exhorta– tion and prayer before his (ermon, With fpecial reference to the prefent work: After which, let him preach upon fame text of fcripture perti– nent to the occafion. The fermon ended, let him not only pray, as at other time after preaching is directed, with remembrance of the neceffities of the church, king, and fiate, (if before the fermon they were omitted), but enlarge himfelf in due and folemn thankfgiving for former mercies and deliverances, but more efpecially for that which at the prefent calls them together to give thanks: With hnmble petition for the continuance and renewing of God's wonted mercies, as need ihall be, and for fanCli– fying grace to make a right ufc thereof. And fo, having fung another pfalm I