APPENDIX. pfalm fuitable to the mercy, let him difmifs the congregation with a blef– fi ng, that they may have fome convenient time for their repall 'and refrdh– ing. ~ But the miniil:er (before their difmifiion ), is folemnly to admonifb them, to beware of all excefs and riot, tending to gluttony or drunken– nefs, and much more of thefe fins themfelves, in their eating and re– frefhing; and to take care that their mirth and rejoicing be not carnal, but fpiritual, which may make God's praife to be glorious, and themfelves bumble and fober; and that' both their feeding and rejoicing may render them more cheerful and enlarged, further to celc brate his praifes in the midll: of the congregation, when they return unto it, in the remaining part of that day. When the congregation fhall be again alfembled, the like courfe in praying, reading, preaching, finging of pfalms, and offering up of more praife and thankfgiving, that is before direCted for the morning, is to be renewed and continued fo far as the time will give leave. At one, or both of the public meetings that day, a 'colleCtion is to be made for the poor (and in the l1ke manner upon the day of public hu– miliation), that their loins may blefs us, and rejoice the more with us. And the people are to be exhorted, at the end of the latter meeting, to fpend the refidue of that day in holy duties, and teil:ifications of chrif– tian love and charity one towards another, and of rejoicing more and more in the Lord; as becometh thofe who make the joy of the Lord their il:rength. Of j11ging of pfalms. I T is the duty of chriil:ians to praife God publicly, by finging of pfalms together in the congregation, and alfo privately in the fa– mily. In finging of pfalms the voice is to be tunably and gravely ordered; but the chief mull: be, to fing with underfranding, and with grace in the heart, making melody unto the Lord. That the whole congregation may join herein, every one that can read is to have a pfalm-book ; and all others, not difabled by age, or other• wife, are to be exhorted to learn to read. But for the prefent, where many in the congregation cannot read, it is convenient that the miniil:er, or fame other fit perfon appointed by him, and the other ruling officers, do read the pfalm line by line, betore the finging thereof•.