APPENDIX. Of the church. T H E R E is one general ehurch vi.lible 'held forth in the new tefl:ament, I Cor. xii. 12, I3, 28, together with the reil: of the i=h1lpter. The minifiry, oracles, and ordinances of the new tefiament, are gi– ven by Jefus Chrifi to the general church vifible, for the gatheri ng and perfecting of it in this life, until his fecond coming, 1 Cor. xii. 2 8, Eph. iv. 4, 5, compared with ver. IO, I I, 12, 13, 15, 16, of the fame chapter. Particular yjfible churches, membS!rs of the general church, are alfo held forth in the new tefiament, Gal. i. 21, 22, Rev. i. 4, 20, and Rev. ii. 1. Particular churches, in the primitive times, were made up pf vifible faints, viz. of fuch as, being of ~g~. profeffed fajth in Chrift, and obedience unto Chrifi, aq;ording to the rules of faith and life, taught by Chrifi and his apoftles; and of their children, Atls ii. 38, 4r, Afls ii. verft lafr, csmpared with Atls v. 14, I Cor. i. 2, compared with 2Cor. ix; 13. Afls ii. 39, I Cor. vii. 14, j~. 16, and fo for– ward; Mark x. 14, compared with Mat. xix. 13, 14. Luke xviii. IS, 16, Of the qjjicers of the church. T H. E officers which Chrifi: .hath appoin~ed for the edification of his church, and the perfeCl:mg of the famts, are, Some extraordinary, as apofl:les, evangeliil:s, and prophets, which are ceafed. Others ordinary and perpetual, as paftors, teachers, and other church gov~mors, and deacons. Pajlors. T H E pafl:or is an ordinary and perpetual in the church, Jer. iii. I 5, I 6, I7 ; prophefying of the t1me of the gofpel. I Pet. v. 2, 3• 4, Eph. iv. II, 12, 13· Firfi, it belongs to his office, To pray for and with his flock, as the mouth of the people unto God, ACis vi. 2, 3• 4, ACis xx. 36; where preaching and prayer are joined as b Mat, xxviii. 18, 19, 20, Eph. i, 20, 2J, 22, cgmpar~4 with Eph, iv. 8, u, and Pfal, lxviii, 18. '