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APPENDIX. as feveral parts of the fame office. James v. 14, r 5· The office of the elder, that is the pafior, is to pray for the lick, even in private, to which a blel3ing is efpecially promifed ; much more therefore ought he to perform this in the public execution of his office, as a part thereof, I Cor. xiv. ver. IS 16. To read the fcripture publicly; for the proof of which, I. That the priefis and levites in the jewijh church were trufied with the public reading of the word, as is proved, Deut. xxxi. 9, Io, r I. Neh. viii. I, 2, and q, · 2. Thaf the minifiers of the gofpel have as ample a charge and corn– million to difpenfe the word, as well as other ordinances, as the priefis and levites had under the law, proved, !fa. lxvi. 21, Mat. x-xm. 34, where our Saviour intituleth the officers of the new tefiament, whom he will fend forth, by the fame names of the teachers of the old. Which propofitiotis prove, that therefore, (the duty being of a moral nature), it followeth by jufi confequence, that the public reading of the fcriptures belongeth to the pafior's office. To feed the flock, by preaching of the word, according to which he is to teach, convince, reprove, exhort, and comfort, I Tim. iii. 2, 2 'Iim. iii. ver. I 6, I 7, Tit. i. 9· To catechife, which is a plain laying down th~ firfi principles of the oracles of God, Heb. v. 12, or of the doctrine of Chrifi, and is a part of preaching. To difpenfe other divine myfieries, r Cor. iv. r, 2. To adminifier the facraments, Matth. xxviii. 19, 20, Mark xvi. IS, 16, I Cor. xi. 23, 24, 25, compared with I Cor. x. r6. To blefs the people from God, Numb. vi. 23, 24, 25, 26, compared with Rev. xiv. 5• (where the fame bleffings, and perfons from whom they come, are exprefsly mentioned), Ija. lxvi. 21, where, under the names of prieil:s and levites, to be continued under the gofpel, are meant evangelical pafiors, who therefore are by office to blefs the peo– ple, Deut. x. 8, 2 Cor. xiii. 14, Eph. i. 2. To take care of the poor, ACis xi. 30, ACis iv. 34, 35, 36, 37• ACis vi. 2, 3, 4, I Cor. xvi. r, 2, 3, 4, Gal. ii. 9, IO. And he bath alfo a ruling power over the flock as a pafior, 1 'Iint. 'v, 17, ACis xx, I7• and 28, I Thejf. v. 12, Heb. xiii. 7• 17. S Q.__z 'Ieacher I