APPENDIX. Teacher or doC!or. T H E fcripture cloth hold out t~:e name and title of teacher, as well as of the pafl:or, 1 Cor. xu. 28, Eph. iv. I r. Who is alfo a minifl:er of the word as well as the pafior and bath power of adminifiration of the facraments. ' The ~ord ~aving g!v~n different gifts, and dive.~s exercifes according to thefe g1fts, m the m1mfiry of the word, Rom. xu. 6, 7, I, I Cor. xii. 1, 4, 5, ,6, 7, though thefe different. ~ifts may meet. in, and accordingly be exerc1fed by one and the fame m1mfier, 1 Cor. x1v. 3• 2 Tim. iv. 2, ~it. i. g, yet, where be feveral minifiers in the fame congregation, they may be defigned to feveral imployments, according to the different gifts in which each of them cloth mofl: excel, Rom. xii. 6, 7, 8, I Pet. iv. 10, 11. And he that cloth more excel in expofition of fcriptures, in teaching found doctrine, and in convincing gainfayers, than he cloth in application, and is accordingly employed therein, may be called a teacher, or doctor, (the places alledged by the notation of the word do prove the propofition), neverthelefs, where is but one mini!l:er in a particular con– gregation, he is to perform fo far as he is able the whole work of the minifiry, as appeareth in 2 'Iim. iv. 2, 'Iit. i. g, before alledged, 1 'Iim. vi. 2. A teacher or doctor is of mofi excellent ufe in fchools and univerllties ;· as of old in the fchools of the prophets, and at Jerufolem, where Ga-: 111aliel and others taught as doctors. Other church governors. As there were in theje1vijb church, elders of the people j.oined with the prieHs and levites in the government of the church, (as ap– peareth in 2 Chron. xix. 8, g, Io.) So Chrifr, who bath infiituted a government, and governors ecclefiafiical in the church, hath furnifhed fame in his. church, befide the minifiers of the word, with gifts for go– vernment, and with commiffion to execute the fame when called there– unto1 who are to join with the minifier in the government of the church, Rom. xii. 7, 8, 1 Cor~ xii. 28.• Which officers ref?Cmed churches commonly call elders. Deacons