APPENDIX. Deacons. T H E fcripture doth hold out deacons as diftinfr officers in the church, Phi!. i. I, I 'l'im. iii. 8. Whofe office is perpetual, I 'l'im. iii. 8, to ver. 15, Acts vi. 1, 2, 3,. 4· To whofe office it belongs not to preach the word, or adminiil:er the facraments, but to take fpecial care in diflributing to the neceilities of the poor, Acts vi. I, 2, 3, 4, and the verfes following; Of particular congregatiom. I T is lawful and expedient that there be fixed congregations, that is· a certain company of chriflians to meet in one affembly ordinarily for public worfhip. When believers multiply to fuch a number, that they cannot conveniently meet in one place, it is lawful and expedient that they fhould be divided into diflinCl: and fixed congregations, for the better adminiflration of fuch ordinances as belong unto them, and the difcharge of mutual duties, 1 Cor. xiv. ver. 26. Let all things be done unto edifYing; and verfes 33, and 40. - The ordinary way of dividing chriftians into diflinCl: congregations, and moft expedient for edification, is by the refpeetive bounds of their dwellings. Fidf, becaufe they who dwell together, being bound to all kind of moral duties one to another, have the better opportunity thereby to difcharge them;. which moral tye is perpetual, for Chrift came not to deftroy the law, but to fulfil it, D eut. xv. 7, u, Mat. xxii. 39, Mat. v. I7· Secondly, The communion of faints muft be fo ordered, as may ftand with the moll convenient ufe of the ordinances, and difcharge of moral duties, without refpeCl: of perfons, I Cor. xiv. 2.6, Let all things be done· unto edifYing. Heb. x. 24, ~5, James ii. I, 2. 'Ihirdly, the paftor and people muft fo nearly cohabit together, as that they may mutually perform their duties each t? other with moili e01weniency•. In this company fame muft be fet apart to bear office•. Of the ojjicm if a particular congregation•. F 0 R officers in a fingle congregation, there ought to be one at the Jeafl, both to labour in the word and doctrine, and to rule,. Prov, .xxix-. 18, I Tim. v~ 17, Heb. xiii. 7• It.