Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPENDIX It is alfo requifite that there lhould be others to join in government, I Cor. xii. 28. And likewife it is requifite that there lhould be others to take fpecial care for the relief of the poor, AC!s vi. 2, 3· The number of each of which is to be proportioned according to the condition of the congregation. Thefe officers are to meet together at convenient and fet times, for the well ordering of the affairs of that congregation, each according to his office, It is 'mofl: expedient that in thefe meetings, one whofe office is to .labour in the word and doClrine, do moderate in their proceedings, I Tim. v. I7· Of the ordi?zances in a particular congregation. T H E ordinances in a fingle congregation, are prayer, thankfgiving, and finging of pfalms, I 'rim. ii. I. I Cor. xiv. 15, I 6. The word read, (although there follow .no immediate explication of what is read), the word expounded and applied, catechifing, the facraments adminiftered, colleClion made for the poor, difmiffing the people with a ·bleffing. Of church government, and the feveral forts, if a.!femblies for fome. C H R I ST bath infl:ituted a government, and governors ecclefi– aftical in the church: To that purpofe, the apoflles did imme– diate!; receive the keys from the hand of Jefus Chrift, and did ufe and exercife them in all the churches of the world, upon all occa– fions, And Chrift bath fince continually furnilhed fome in his church with gifts of government, and with commiffion to execute the fame, when called thereunto. · It is lawful and agreeable to the word of God, that the church be governed by feveral forts of affemblies, which are congregational, claf– fical, and fynodical. Of the power in common qf all thefe a!femblies. I T is lawful and agreeable to the word of God, that the feveral affemblies before mentioned have power to convene, and call before them any perfon within their feveral bounds, whom the ecclefiaftical