Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPENDIX. clefiafiical bufinefs which is before them doth concern ; p~oved by Matth, chap. xviii. They have power to hear and determine fuch caufes and differences, as do ordo:rly come before them. It is lawful and agreeable to the word of God, that all the faid af– femblies have fome power to difpenfe church cenfures. Of contregational alfemblie!, that is, the meeting of the ruling qfjicers if a particular congregation for the government thereof. T H E ruling officers of a particular congregation have power, au– thoritatively, to call before them any member of the congregation, as they !hall fee jufl: occafion. · To enquire into the knowledge and fpiritual efiate of the feveral mem– bers of the congregation. To admonifh and rebuke. Which three branches are proved by Heb. xiii. 17, r Thdf. v. 12, IJ,. Ezek. xxxiv. 4· Authoritative fufpenfion from the Lord's table of a perfon not yet caili out of the church, is agreeable to the fcripture. Firj!, becaufe the ordinance itfelf mufl: not be profaned. Secondly, becaufe we are charged to withdraw from thofe that walk, diforderly. Thirdly, becaufe of the great fin and·danger, both to him that comes– unworthily, and alfo to the whole church, Matth. vii. 6; 2 <rhdf. iii. 6, 14, I 5, 1 Cor. xi. 27, to the end of the chapter, compared with Jude, . ver. 23. 1 <rim. v. 22. And there was power and authority, under the old tefl:ament, to keep unclean perfons from holy things, Levit. xiii•. 5, Numb. ix. 7• 2 Chron. xxiii. I g. The like power and authority, by way of analogy, continues under. the new tefl:ament. The ruling officers of a particular congregation, have power authori– tatively to fufpend from the Lord's table, a perfon not yet cafl: out of. the church. · Firft, becaufe thofe who have authority'to judge of, and admit fuch as are fit to receive the facrament, have authority to keep back. fuch as !hall· be found unworthy. Secondly, becaufe it is an ecclefiafl:ical bufinefs of ordinary practice be-– longing to that congregation•. When congregations are divided and fixed, they need all mutual help one: from another, both in regard of their intrinfical weaknefi"es, and mutual· dependance ; as alfo, in regard of enep:~ies from without•. Of