Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPENDIX. Fourthly, the feveral congregations in Jerufoletn being one church, the elders of that churah are mentioned as meeting together for acrs of government, Ac7s xi. 30. A&Cfs xv. 4, 6, 22, and chap. xxi. 17, 18, and fo forward : Which proves that thofe [evcral congregations were under one prefbyterial government. And whether thefe congregations were fixed, or not fixed, in re– gard of officers or members, it is all one as to the truth of the propo!ition. Nor doth there appear any material difference betwixt the feveral con– gregations in Jerufalem, and the many congregations now in the ordinary condition of the church, as to the point of fixednefs required of offi– cers or members. 3· Thirdly, therefore the fcripture doth ho1d forth, that many congre– gations may be under one prefbyterial govemment. II. Secondly, by the in fiance of the church of Ephe.fos; for I. That they were more congregations than one in the church of Ephejits, appears by AC!s xx. 31, where is menlion of Paul's continu– ance at Ephejus in preaching for the fpace of three years; and AC!s :6x. 18, rg, 20, where the fpecial effecr of the word is mentioned; and verfe 1 o, and I 7• of the fame chapter, where is a difiincrion of Jews and greeks ; and 1 Cor. xvi. 8, and g, where is a reafon of Paul's fiay at Ephejits until Pentecofl; and v erje I g, where is mention of a parti– cular church in the houfe of Aquil!a and Prifcilla then at EpbejiiS; a's ap– pears, AC!s xviii. 1-g,. 24, 26. All which laid togeti1er· doth prove, that the multitude of believers did make more congregations than one in the church of Ephifus. 2. That there were many eiders over thefe many congregations, as one flock, appeareth, AC!s xx. 17, 25, z8, 30, 36, 37· 3. Tliat tbefe many congrega•rrons w-t>re one eh(m:ll! and that they were under or1e- pre!Dyrerial govl'lrnmerrt, appea<reth, Rev. ii. tfie' firft fix v-er:fts, joined with Afls xx. ver. 17, 18. Of }j121Jdical ajfemb/ies. T H E facipture cloth-hola owt a.notl'ler fort of a'fi'emblies, for the government of the church, befide clailiool and congregatiortal, all which we call fynodical, AC!s xv, Pafiors and teachers, and other church governors, (as alf~ other fi~ pl!t'fons, wlien it £hall be deemed ex– pedient), are members of thofe affemblies which we call fynodical, where they baNe a lawful rolting ther€un~0'. Synodim~~L aftembHes-- may lawfully be of feverltl forg, a~ ptovin'tia't, natr0nalj and c:m;u-moo&al. VuL. II. 5 R It