APPENDIX. It is. lawful and agreeable to the word of God, that there be a fubordi– nation of congregational, clailical, provincial, and national affemblies, for the government of the church. Of ORDINATION of MINISTERs. U N D E R the head of ordination of minifi:ers is to be confidered, ei~her the doCl:rine of ordination; or the power of it. 'Touching the doflrine if ordination. N 0 man ought to take upon him the office of a minifier of the word, without a lawful calling, John iii. 27, R om. x. I 4• I 5, Jer. xiv. 14, Heb. v. 4· Ordination is always to be continued in the church, 'Iit. i. 5· I <J'im. v. 21, 22. Ordination is the folemn fetting apart of n perfon to fome public church office, Numb. viii. Io, I I, 14, 19, 22, Afls vi. 3, ·s, 6. Every minill:er of the word is to be ordained by impofition of hands, and prayer, with fafi:ing, by thofe preaching prefbyters, .to whom it cloth belong, I 'Tim. v. 22, Afls iv. 23, and Acts xiii; 3· lt is agreeable to the word of God, and very expedient, that fuch as are to be ordained minifi:ers, be defigned to fome particular church, or other minifi:erial charge, Afls xiv. 23, Tit. i. 5, Acts xx. 17, and 28. He that is to be ordained minit1er, mull: be duly qualified, both for life and minifi:erial abilities, according to the rules of the apofi:Ie, I 'Iim. iii. 2, 3, 4, s, 6, and Tit. i. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9· He is to be examined and approved by thofe by whom he is to be ordain– ed, I 'Iim. iii. ver. 7, and Io, and chap. v. ver. 22. No man is to be ordained a minifi:er for a particular congregation, if they of that congregation can lhew jufi: caufe of ex~eption again!!: him,. 1 <J'im. iii. 2, Tit. i. 7· Touching the po~ver if ordination~ 0 R DIN AT I 0 N is the aCl: of a prefbytery, I 'Tim. iv. 14•. The power of ordering the whole work of ordination, is in the whole pretbytery, which when it is over more congregations than . · vne,