APPENDIX. 'One, whether thofe congregations be fixed or not fixed, in regard of of– ficers or members, it is indifferent, as to the point of ordination, I <.Iim. iv. 14. It is very requilite that no lingle congregation, that can conveniently alfociate, do alfume to itfelf all and foie power in ordination. I. Becaufe there is no example in fcripture, that any lingle congre– gation, which might conveniently alfociate, did alfume to itfelf all and foie power in ordination ; neither is there any rule which may warrant fuch a praCtice. 2. Becaufe there is in fcripture, example of an ordination in a preihyte– ry over divers congregations; as in the church of Jerufalem, where were many congregations, thefe many congregations were under one pre:fbyte– ry, and this pre:fbytery did ordain. The preaching pre:fbyters orderly alfociated, either in cities or neigh– bouring villages, are thofe to whom the impolition of hands cloth apper– tain1 for thofe congregations within their bounds refpetl:ively. Concerning the doflrinaf part of ORDINATION of MINIS– TERS. I. N 0 man ought to take upon him the office of a mini!l:er of the word, without a lawful calling, John iii. 27, Rom. x. 14, 15, Jer. xiv. I4, Heb. v. 4· 2. Ordination is always to be continued in the church, Tit. i. 5, 1 'Iim. v. 21, :22. 3· Ordination is the folemn fetting apart of a perfon to fome public church office, Numb. viii. 10, 11, q., I9, 22, AC!s vi. 3, 5• 6. 4· Every mini!l:er of the word is to be ordained by impofition of hands and prayer, with fa!l:ing, by thofc preaching pre:fbyters to whom it doth belong, I 'Iim. v. 22, AC!s xiv. 23, AC!s xiii. 3· 5· The power of ordering the whole work of ordination is in the whole pre:fbytery, which, when it is over more congregations than one, whether thofe congregations be fixed, or not fixed, in regard of ?fficers or members,: it is indifferent as to the point of trdination, I 'Tim. JV, 14. It is agreeable to tht: word, and very expedient, that fuch as are to be ordained mini!l:crs, be deligned to fome particular church, or other miniaerial charge, AC!s xiv. 23, Tit. i, 5, AC!s xx. I7, and 28. 5 R 2 7· He