Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

8€io APPENDIX. 7· He th;lt is to be ordi!i~1ed miniller, mufl: be duly qualified, both for life and minifterial ab)lities, according to the rulesof the apoftle, 1 'lim. iii. 2, 3. 4· s, 6, 'lit. i. s. 6, 7· s, 9· 8. He is to be el(amint:d, and approved of by th0fe by whom he is to be ordained, I 'Iim. iii. 7, 10, l 'I'im. v. 22. . 9· No man is t9 be o~d<tined a ·rninifi~r fnr a particular congregation, 1f tht<y of th<tt Cflngrfgatwry can !hew J>U:ft caufe of e~ception againft hirn, 1 'I'im. iii. g, '!'it. i. 7· 1 o. Preaching preiliyters orderly a!fociated, either in cities, or neigh– .hovring village.s, are thofe to whom . the impofition of hands do ap– pertaifJ, for thefe congregations within their bounds refpetl:ively, 1 'Jim. iv. 14. 1 1. In extraordinary cafes, fomething extraordin;uy may be done, until a fettled OFder may be had, yet keeping as near as poffibly may be to the rule, 2 Chron. xxix. 34, 35, 36, 2 Chron. XXK. 2. 3, 4, 5· 12. There is at this time, (as we humbly conceive), an extraordinary occafion for a way of ordination for the prefent fupply of minifters. '!'he diref!ory for the ordination if minifters. I T being fllanifeft by the word of G0d, that no man ought to take upon him the office of a minifter of the gofpel, until he be lawfully called and ordained thereunto; and that the work of ordination is to be per– formed with all due care, wifdom, grav·ity, and folernnity; we humbly tender thefe direClions as requifite to be obfer-ved. Firjl, he that is to be ordained, being euher nominated by the people, Qr otherwife comm~nd~d to the preiliytery for any place, muft addrefs himfelf to the prdbytery, and bring with him a tefl:imonial of his tak– ing the; ~ovenqflt of the kiagdorns ; of his diligence and profi– ciency in his fiuclills; whl!~ clegreos he: bath taken in tqe univerfity, apd wh;H hatb been the time of his abode. there; and withal of his ;1ge, which is to be tw<;nty-foor years; but efpe~:ially of his life and con– verfation. 2. Which l?eing confidered by the preibytery, they are ~o pr0ceed, to enquire tQuching the gr:H:e ef God in him, and w.hether he be of fuch holinefs of life, as is requilite in a minitl:er of tlne gofpel ; and to ex– limine him tou~hing I!is learning and, and touching the evi– dences of his calling to the holy miniftry, and in particular, his fair and diret~ callipg to thf!.t place. The