A P P E N D I X. The rules for examination are thefe. I. <Jhat the party examinea be dealt withal in a brotherly way, ~11ith mild– mfs qfJpirit, and with JPecial r~jpef! to the gravity, modtjl;·, and quality oj every one. 2. He foal! be examined touching his jkill in the original tongues, and his trial to be made by reading the bebrew and greek tefiaments, and ren~ dering jome portion if Jome into Iatin ; and if he be difeCiive in them, en– quiryJbal/ be made morejlriCily after his other learning, and whether he hath jkill in logic and philof0phy. 3· What authors in divinity he hath read, and is beft acquainted with. And trial foall be made in his knowledge of the grounds oj religion, and of his ability to defend the orthodox doCirine contained in them, againft all unfound and erroneous opinions, tjpecially thqfi! of the prejent age: Of his jkitl in the .fenfe and meaning oj' jitch places of Jcripture, as foal/ be propojed unto him, in cafes of conjcience, and in the chronology qf the Jcrip · tnre, and tbe ecclejiajlical hijlory. 4· If he bath not before preached in public, with approbation of jiteh as are able to judge, he jhall, at a competent time a!Jigned him, expound bifore the presbytery jztcb a place of fcripture as foal/ be given him. 5· He }hall a!fo, within a competent time, frame a diji:ourfe in Iatin, up– onfuch a commo11 place or controverjj in divinity, as jhall be q!figned him, and exhibit to the presbytery ji.tcb thefes as exprejs thefum tbereif; and main– tain a dijjJUte upon them. 6. He jball preach bifore the people, the prejbytery, or Jome of the mi– nijlm of the word appointed by them, being prifent. 7• 'The proportion of his gifts in relation to the piace unto which he is cal– led}hall l'e conjidered. 8. Befide the trial of his gifts in preaching, he foal! undergo an examina– tion in the premifes two Jcveral days, and more, il tbe prejbytery fhall judge it nectf[ary. 9· And as for him that bath formerly been ordained a minijler, and is· to be removed to another cbarge, he jhall bring a tejlimonial of his ordina– tion, and of his abilities and converjation, whereupon his jitnifs for that place jhall be tried by his preaching there, (if it)ball be judged necdfary), by afurther examination of him. 3· In all which he being approved, he is to be fent to the ehurch, where he is to ferve, there to preach three feveral. days, and to conve with rfe the 86!