APPENDIX. the people, that they may have trial of his gifts for their edification, and may have time and occafion to enquire into, and the better to know his life and converfation. 4· In the lafl: of thefe three days appointed for the trial of his gifts in preaching, there £hall be fent from the prefbytery to the congregation, a public intimation in writing, which (hall be publicly read before the peo– ple, and after affixed to the church door, to fignify that fuch a day, a competent number of the members of that congregation, nominated by themfelves, lhall appear before the prefbytery, to give their confent and approbation to fuch a man to be their minifl:er; or otherwife to put in, with all chrifl:ian difcretion and meeknefs, what exceptions they have a– gainfl: him; and if, upon the day appointed, there be no jufl: exception againfl: him, but the people give their confent, then the prefbytery £hall proceed to ordination. 5· Upon the day appointed for ordination, which is to be performed in that church, where he that is to be ordained is to ferve, a folemn fafl: lhall be kept by the congregation, that they may the more earnefl:– ly join in prayer, for a bleiling upon the ordinance of Cbrifl:, and the labours of his fervant for their good. The prefbytery lhall come to the place, or at leafl: three or four minifl:ers of the word £hall be fent thither from the prefbytery; of which one, appointed by the prefby– tery, £hall preach to the people, concerning the office and duty of mi– nifl:ers of Chrifl, and how the people ought to receive them for their work's f1ke. 6. After the fermon, the minifl:er who hath preached, £hall, in the face of the congregation, demand of him who is now to be ordained, concerning his faith in Chrifl: Jefus, and his perfuafion of the truth of the reformed religion according to the fcripiure; his fincere intentions and ends in defiring to enter into this calling; his diligence in prayer, reading, meditation, preaching, minifl:ring the facraments, difcipline, and doing all minifl:erial duties towards his charge; his zeal and faith– fulnefs in maintaining the truth of the gofpel, and unity of the church ; againfl: error ann fchifm; his care that himfelf and his family may be un– blameable, and examples to the flock; his wiliingnefs and humility, in meeknefs of fp irit, to fubmit unto the admonitions of his brethren and difcipline of the church; and his refolution to continue in his duty againfl: all trouble and perfecution. 7· In all which having declared himfelf, profeiied his willingnefs, and promifed his endeavours, by the help of God; the minifler likewi(e lhall demand of the people, concerning their willingnefs to receive and acknow– ledge him, as the minifl:er of Chrifl:; and to obey, and fubmit unto him, as