Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPENDIX. as having rule over them in the Lord ; and to maintain, encourage, and affifl: him in all the parts of his office. 8. Which being mutually promifed by the people, the prefbytery, or the minillers fent from them for ordination, ihall folemnly fet him apart to the office and work of the minifl:ry, by laying their hands on him, which is to be accompanied with a !hort prayer or bleffing, to this eftetl:. " Thankfully acknowledging the great mercy of God, in fending Je– " fus Chrifi for the redemption of his people; and for his afcenfion to " the right hand of God the Father, and thence pouring out his fpirit, and " giving gifts to men, apofiles, evangelilts, prophets, pafl:ors and teachers, " for the gathering and building up of his church; and for fitting and in– " dining this man to this great work*; to entreat him to fit him with his " holy fpirit, to give him, (who in his name we thus fet apart to this '' holy fervice), to fulfil the work of his minifhy in all things, " that he may both fave himfelf, and his people committed to his " charge." 9· This, or the like form of prayer and bleffing being ended, let the minifl:er who preached, briefly exhort him, to confider of the greatnefs of his othce and work, the danger of negligence both to himfelf and his people, the blefling which will accompany his faithfulnefs in this life, and that to come; and withal exhort the people to carry themfelves to him, as to their minifier in the Lord, according to their folemn promife made before; and fo by prayer commending both him and his flock to the grace of God, after finging of a pC.1lm, let the a!fembly be difmi!fed with a blefllng. 10. Jf a minifier be defigned to a congregation, who bath been for– merly ordained prefbyter, according to the form of ordination which bath. been in the church of England, which we hold for fubllance to be valid, and not to be difclaimed by any who have received it; then there being a cautious proceeding in matters of examination, let him be admitted without any new ordination. ' . 11, And in cafe any perfon already ordained minifier in Scotland; or: in any other reformed church, be defigned to another congregation in Eng– land, he is to bring from that church to the prefbytery here, within which that congregation is, a fufficient tefiimonial of his ordination, of his life and converfation while he lived with them, and of the caufes of his. removal ; and to undergo fuch a trial of his fitnefs and fufficiency,. and to have the fame courfe held with him in other particulars, as is fet do.wn, * lUre let them impofe hands 011 his head.