Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPENDIX. <lown in the rule immediately going before, touching examination and ad. million. I 2. That records be carefully kept in the feveral preibyteries, of the names of the perfons ordained, with their teftimonials, the time a.nd place of their ordination, of the preibyttrs who did im. pofe hands upon them, and of the ~:;barge to which they are ap– pointed. 13. That no money or gift of what kind foever fhall be received from the perfon to be ordained, or from any on his behalf, for ordination, or ought elfe belonging to it, by any of the preibytery, or any appertaining to any of them, upon what pretence foever. Thus far if ordinmy rules m1d comfe if ordination in the ordinary wa)' ; that which concerns the extraordinary way, requijite to be now pratli· (ed, followeth. 1. In thefe prefent exigencies, while we cannot have any presbyte– ries formed up to their whole power and work, and that many minif– ters are to be ordained for the fer vice of the armies and navy, and to many congregations where there is no minifier at all ; and where, (by reafon of the public troubles), the people cannot either themfelves en– quire, and find out one who may be a faithful miniil:er for them, or have any with fafety fent unto them, for fuch a folemn trial as was be– fore mentioned in the ordinary rules, efpecially when there can be no presbytery near unto them, to whom they may addrefs themfelves·, or which may come or fend to them a fit man to be ordained in tbat congregation, and for that people: And yet notwithftanding, it is requi– fite that miniil:ers be ordained for them, by fome, who, bdng. fet apart thernfelves for the work of the n1inifiry, have power to join in the fe tting apart others who are found fit and worthy. In thofe cafes,, until, by G od's bleffing, the aforefaid difficulties may be in fome g~JOd meafure removed, let fome godly miniil:ers in or about the city of London, be defig.ned by public authority 1 who being alfociated, may ordain minifl:ers for tne city and the vicinity, keepiAg as near to the ordinary rules forementioned as poffibly they may; a.nd let this af– focia.tion be for n0 other in,tent or purpofe, but only for the work of ordi– nation. 2 , L et the like alfociation be made by the fame authority in g.reat towns, and the neighbouring parifhes in the feveral counties, which are at the pre– fent quiet and undiil:urbed, to do the like for the parts adjacent. 3· Let