APPENDIX. 3, Let fuch as are chofen, or appointed for the fervice of the armies or navy, be ordained as aforefaid, by the alfociated minifters of London, or fome others in the country. 4· Let them do the like when any man lhall duly and lawfully be recommended to them for the miniftry of any congregation, who can– not enjoy liberty to have a trial of his parts and abilities, and defire the help of fuch minifters fo affociated, for the better furnilhing of them with fuch a perfon, as by them lhall be judged fit for the fer vice of that church and people, The coNTENTS of the form of presbyterial church government. T HE preface. Of the church. Of the officers of the church. PajlorJ. <J'eacher or doelor. Other church g(}'(}ernors. Deacons. Of particular congregations. Of the qfjicers of a particular congregation. Of the ordinances in a particular congregation. Of church government, and theJeveral forts of qffemblies for the fonu. Of the power in common of all theft ajfemblies. Of congregational 4femblies, that is, the meeting of the ruling qjjicers of a parttcular congregation, for the government thereof. Of cla/Jical a!Jemblies. Of jjnodical a!Jemblies. Of ordination of miniflers. <.Touching the do8rine of ordination. 'I'ouching the power qf ordination. Concerning the do8rinal part of the ordination of miniflers, '!'he dire8orJ for the ordination of miniflers. VoL. II. Numb. 86 5