866 A P P E N D I X Numb. IV. The TOLERATION Ac·i', entituled, an aEJ for exempting their majeflies proteflant JubjeCls diffenting from the church of England Jrom the penalties of certain laws. 1 ?f/i/1. & F 0 R A S M U C H as fame eafe to fcrupulous confciences, in Mary, cap. the exercife of religion, may be an effeCtual means to unite their 18. majefiies protefiant fubjeCts in interefi and affeCtion, "'h r: 1 I. Be it enatled by the king and queen's mofi excellent majefiies, '' t ;evera · h h d · d f h I . Jaws againjl and w1t t e a v1ce an confent o t e ord's fpiritual and temporal, diffinters re- and commons in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authori– pealed. ty of the fame, that neither the fiatute made in the 2 3d year of the 23 Eliz. cap. I. 29 Eliz. cap. 6. reign of the late queen Elizabeth, entitled, an aC! to retain the queen's. mqjejly's fubjeC!s in their due obedience; nor that fiatute macle in the 29th year of the faid queen, entituled, an aC! fir the more jpeedy and due exe– cution if certain branches qf the jlatute made in the 23dyear if the quem's majejly's reign, viz. the aforefaid acr; nor that branch or claufe of a ftatute made in the firft year of the reign of the faid queen, entituled, 2 El' an aC! for the uniformity qf common-prayer andJervice in the church, and c;p. z:z§ I 4 . admini;tration of the focraments ; whereby all pednns having no lawful or reafonable excufe to be abfenc. are required to r.efort to their parilh 3 'Jac. I. cap. 4· 3 Jac. I. cap. 5· Exceptio11. 25 Car.II. cap. 2. 30 Car. II. ::ltat. 2d. cap. I, church or chapel, or fome ufual place where the common-prayer lha!l be ufed, upon pain of puniiliment 'by the .cenfures of the church; apd alfo, upon pain, that every perfon fo offending lhall forft!it for every fuch offence twelve pence. Nor that fiatute made in the Jd year of the late king Janzes the firfi, entituled, an aC! fir the better difcot,er· ing and reprdftng popijh recifcmts. Nor that after ftatute made in the fame year, entituled, an afl to prevent and avoid dangers which may grow by popijh recuflmts. Nor any other law or ftatute of this realm ma.de againfi papifis or popifh recufants, except the fiatute made in the 25th year of king Charles II. .entituled, an aC! }or preventing dangers which may happenfrom popifh recujants. And except «lf.o the fta tute ma.de in the 3oth year of the faid king Charles II. entituled, an aC! fir the more ejfeC!ual prejerving the king's perfon and government, by dijabling papijls · from