Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPENDIX. 867 from .fitting in either houfe of parliament, !hall be conllrued to extend to any perfon or perfons dilfenting from the church of England, that !hall take the oaths mentioned in a ftatute made this prefent parliament, en– tituled, an ael .for removing and preventing all qufllions and dzfputes con- Supra, cmzing the ajjembling and .fitting qf tbe prejent parliament, !hall make cap. 1. and fubfcribe the declaration mentioned in a ftatute made in the 30th year of the reign of king Charles 11. entituled, an ael to prevent pa- 30 Car. rr. pifis from jitting in either hozife of pm·liament. Which oaths and decla- ~tat. zd. ration the jullices of peace at the general feffions of the peace to be ';J-J;,.:; de– held for the county or place where fuch perfon !hall live, are hereby re- claration to quired to tender and adminiller to fuch perfons as !hall offer themfelves be regijlered. to take, make and fubfcribe the fame, and thereof to keep a regifter. F.t "Jodr reg 1 i(- . . . . . er an car zAnd hkevnfe none of the perfons aforef.11d !hall g1ve or pay, as any fee ficate. or reward, to any officer or officers belonging to the court aforefaid, above the fum of 6 d. nor that more than once for his or their entry of his taking the faid oaths, and making and fubfcribing the faid declaration ; nor above the further furn of 6 d. for any certificate of the fame, to be .made out and figned by the officer or officers of the faid court. 11. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that all P~rfom con· and every pe:fon and perfons alrea~y ~onvicted,, or profecuted ~n or-~~~:~ ,t,c· der to conviCtion, of recufancy, by md1ctment, mformation, actiOn of oaths, &c. debt, or otherwife grounded upon the aforefaid ftatutes, or any of them,foa/1 be dif– that !hall take the faid oaths mentioned in the faid il:atdtes made this charged. prefent parliament, and make and fubfcribe the declaration afopefaid, in the court of Exchequer, or aflize, or general or quarter feffions, to be held for the county where fuch perfon lives, and to be thence refpectively certified into the Exchequer ; iliall be thenceforth exempted and difcharged from all the penalties, ieizures, forfeitures, judgments, and executions, incu rred by force of any of the afore('lid ftatutes, without any compofition, fee, .or further charge whatfoever. Ill. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that all and every perfon and perfons that !hall, as aforefaid, take the faid oaths, and make and fubfcribe t he declaration aforefaid, !hall not be liable to any pains, penalties, or forfeitures, mentioned in an act made in the 3sth year of the reign of the late quoen Elizabeth, entituled, an ael to re- 35 Eliz. tain the queen's maj'!fly'sjit.b;e/5ls in their due obedience. Nor in 'an act cap. 1. made in the zzd year of the reign of t~'e late king Charles IT. entituled, an ael to prevent and Jupprrfs Jeditious convrnticles, Nor iliall any of the 22 Car. JI. faid perfons be proff::cuted in anv eocleliafbical court, for or bv reafon ofcEad. 1 • 1;, 11 • 1 • • J .I cc t.JU!pUa the1r non-conformmg to the church of England. court. 5 S 2 IV. Pro-