868 A .P P E N D I X. Privatt I V. Provided always, and be it enaCl:ed by the authority aforefaid d~~;;:s ex· that if any affembly of perfons, diffenting from the church of Engfani lhall be held in any place for religious worlhip, with the doors locked' barred, or bolted, during any time of fuch meeting together, all an~ every p~rfon or perfons that lh~ll come to, a~d be at fuch meeting, fhal~ not :ece1ve any benefit f~om th1s la~, b~t be. hable to all the pains and pe– naltle~ of all.the ~foref~1d laws recited m th1.s aB:, !'or fuch their meeting, 110twnhfl:andmg h1s takmg the oaths, and h1s makmg and fubfcribing the declaration aforefaid. 'Tithesfaved. V. Provided always, that nothing herein contained, fhall be ·con· firued to exempt any of the perfons aforefaid, from paying of tithes or other parochial duties, or any other duties to the church or mi~ nifter; nor from any profecution in any ecclefiall:ical court, er elfewhere, for the fame. Oiftcm fcruVI. And be it further enaCl:ed by the authority aforefaid, that if any ~mg 0 /rs, d perfon diffenting from the church of England, as aforefaid, fhall here– to ~c/b/':fc~ after be chofen, or otherwife appointed to bear the office of high-conputy.. fiable, or petit-conftable, church-warden, overfeer of the poor, or any ~ other parochial or ward office, and fuch perfon fhall fcruple to take up– on him any of the faid offices, in regard of the oaths, or any other matter or thing required by the law to be taken or done, in refpeCl: of fuch office, every fuch perfon fhall and may execute fuch office or em– ployment by a a fufficient deputy, by him to be provided, that fhaU comply with the laws on this behalf; provided always, the faid depu– ty be allowed and approved by fuch perfon or perfons, in fuch manner, as fuch officer or officers refpeCl:ively lhould by law have been allowed: and approved. Perfons inorVII. And be it further enaB:ed by the authority aforefaidi that no dm how ex· perfon diffenting from the church of England in holy orders; or pretend– ceptedfrll ed holy orders, or pretending to holy orders, nor any preacher or :? ~;~· 1 j teacher of any congregation of diffenting protefiants, that fhall make 1: Car. ll. and fubfcribe the declaration aforefaid, and take the faid oath&, at the cap. + general or quarter feffions of the peac~ to be h~ld for the ~ounty, town; parts, or divifion where fuch perfon hves, whtch €Ourt IS hereby im– powered to adminifter th~ fame ; a~d. iliall alf~ decla.re his approbation of and fubfcribe the articles of rehgwn mentioned m the ftatute made 13 Eliz. cap. l-2. in' the 13th year of the reign of the l-ate queen Elizabeth, except the 34th, 35th, and 36th,. and thefe words of the 2oth artiele, viz. [the church hath power to decree rites or ceremonies, and authority in contro-. verfies of faith, and yet] ,. £hall be liable to any of the pain& or penalties tyentioned in an aB: made in the 17th year of the reign of king Charles I'P. entituled;,