Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPE. NDIX. entituled, an aCl for reflraining non-cortformijls from inhabiting t'n corpo- 17 Car. II. ratiom; nor the penalties mentioned in the aforefaid aCt made in the zzd cap. 2 • year of his faid late majelly's reign, for or by reafon of fuch perfons preaching at any meeting for -the exercife of religion. Nor to the pe· nalties of 1 oo I. mentioned in an aCl: made in the 13th and I 4th of king Charles II. entituled, an aCl for the uniformity of P,ublic pra;•ers, and 13 & 14. adminijlring qf facraments, and other rites and ceremonies ; and for ef Car. II. tablijhing the firm qf making, ordaining, and conjecrating of bijhops, cap. 4· priejls, and deacons, in the church qf England, for officiating· in any congregation for the exercife of religion permitted and allowed by this act. VJH. Provided always, that the making and fubfcribing the faid de- 'laki11g tht claration, and the taking the faid oaths, and making the declara- oat~s to be tion of approbation and fubfcription to the faid articles, in manner as regijlered•. aforefaid, by every refpeCl:ive perfon or perfons herein before mentioned,. at fuch general or quarter feffions of the peace as aforefaid·; thall be then and there entered of record in the faid court, for which 6 d. {hall be paid to the clerk of the peace, and no more; provided that fuch perfon Mettiilg · !hall not at any time preach in any place but with the doors notlocked, doors 10 be. d b 1 d c r: 'd unlocked. barre , or o te , as a,ore,al . , IX. And whereas fome diifenting protellants fcruple the baptizing of infants, be it enaCl:ed by the authority aforefaid, that every perfon in pretended holy orders, or pretending to holy orders, or preacher or teacher, that lhall fubfcribe the aforefaid articles of religion, except be;.. fore excepted ; and alfo I!Xcept part of the 27th article teaching infant baptifm, and lhall take the oaths, and make and fubfcribe the declaration aforeiaid, in manner aforefaid ; every fuch perfon lhall enjoy all the pri. vileges, benefits, and advantages, which any other diifenting mini!ler, as, might have or enjoy by virtue of this aCl:. X. And be it further enaCted by the authority aforefaid, that every 'leachers ex• teacher or preacher in holy orders, or pretended holy orders, that is a flnptfromof– mini!ler, preacher, or teacher of a congregation, that lhall take the lm. oaths herein required, and make and fubfcribe the declaration aforefaid; and alfo fubfcribe fuch of the aforefaid articles of the church of Eng,- land, as are required by this aCt in manner aforefaid, lhall be thenceforth exempted from ferving upon any jury, or from being chofen, or appointed to bear the office of church-warden, over(eer of the poor, or any other parochial or ward office, or other office in any hundred . or any lhire, city, town\ parilh, divifion, or wapentake. XI. And be it further enaCl:ed by the authority aforefaid, that any juf- 'Jo/lim of tice of the peace may at any time hereafter require any perfon that peae~ may goes to any, meeting for exercife of religion, to make and fubfcribe the tenter f" declara- oat s, c.