Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPENDIX. declaration aforefaid, and alfo to take the faid oaths, or declaration of fidelity herein after merHioned 1 in cafe fuch perfon fcruple the taking Pt~~alty for of an oath, and upon the refufal thereof, fuch jufiice of the peace is rcfujing. hereby required to commit fuch perfon to prifon, without bail or main– prize, and to certify the name of fuch perfon to the next general or quarter feffions of the peace to be held for that county, city, towri, part, or divifion, where fuch perfon then refides; and if fuch perfon io committed iliall upon a fecond tender at the general or quarter feffions, refufe to make and fubfcribe the declaration aforefaid, fuch perfon re– fnfing, lhall be then and there recorded, and iliall be taken thenceforth to all intents and purpofes for a popifh recufant convict, and fuffer ac– cordingly, and incur all the penalties and forfeitures of the aforefaid laws. !f<.uakers how XII. And whereas there are certain other perfons diifenters from e~·1anpt1 ed. t the church of Emgland, who fcruple the taking of any oath, be it en- .n terec. as o . c . quakers by at:led by the authonty aJorefard, that every fuch perfon iliall make and g Geo. I. fubfcribe the aforefaid declaration; and alfo this declaration of fidelity .cap. 6 · following. Declaration I A. B. do jincerely promife, andJolemnly declare, bifore God and the of fidelity. ~vor!d, that I will be true and faithful. to king William and queen Mary. And 1Jolemnly prqfejs and declare, I do from my heart abhor, deteft, and renounce, as impious and heretical, that damnilble doOlrine and pofttion, that princts excommunicated, or deprivtd by the pope; or any au– -thority if the fee if Rome, may be depofed or murdered by their jubjeC!s, or any other u•batfoever. .And I do declare, that no foreign prince, perfon, prelate, ftate, or potentate, hatb, or ought to have any power, jurijdiC!ion, Juperiority, pre-eminence, or authority, ecclejiajlical or JPiritual, within this realm. And lhall fubfcribe a profeilion of their chriftian belief in thefe \Votds: Proje.!Jion, I A. B. profefifaith in God the Father, and in J~{us Chrijl his eternal Son, the true God, and in the holy Jpirit, one God b!t:Jled for ever– ·more; and do acknowledge the holy Jcriptures if the old and new teflament to be given by dh1ine injpiration. . Which declaration and fubfcription {hall be made and entered of re– cord at the general quarter feffions of the peace for the couhty, city, or place, where every fuch perf?n iliall then refide.. And every fuch perfon that iliall make and fubfcnbe the two declaratiOns and profeilion aforefaid, being thereunto required, iliall be exempted f!om all the pains and penalties of all and every the aforement~oned flatutes made againft popi(h recufants, or pr~teflant non-confori?rfis; a.nd alfo from the pe– nalties of an act made m the 5th year of the re1gn of the late queen · Eliza-