Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPENDIX Elizabeth, entituled, an for the q/forance o/ the queerz's royal power over 5 Eliz. all eflates tll.d jubjeEls within her dominiom, for or by reafon of fuch cap. I. perfons nut taking or refufing to take the oath mentioned in the faid 87r aCt, And alfo from the penalties of an act made in the qth and 14th years of the reign of ]\:ing CbarleJ II. entituled, an aC/ for preventing 13 & 14, mifcbiefs that may arife by certain perfons cqlled quakers refzfling to take Car. I!. lawful patbs, ~nd enjoy all other the benefits, privileges, and advan- cap. 1' l<Jges, under the like limitations, provifo's, apd coru:litions, which any other diffenters iliould or ought to enjoy by virtue of this aCt. XJII. Provided always, and be it enacled by the authority afqrefaid, H,w pmgtd that in cafe any perfqn fhall refufe to take the faid oaths when tendered after rifufal to them, which every jufiice of the peace is hereby impowered to do, if the oaths. fuch perfon ihall not be admitted to make and fubfcribe the two declarations aforefaid, though required thereunto either before any jufiice of the pear:e, or at the general or quarter feilions, before or after any conviCtion of popifh recufancy, as aforel:1id, unlefs fuch perfon can, within thirty-one days after fuch tender of the declaration to him, produce two fufficient protefiant witneffes to tefiify upon oath, that they he)ieve him to be a protefiant dilfenter, or a certificate under the hands . of four protefiants who are conformable to the church of England, or have taken the qaths, and fubfcribed the declaration above-named, and {hall produce a certificate under the hands and feals of fix or more fufficient men of the congregation to which he belongs, owning him for one of them. XIV. Provided alfo, and be it enaCted by the authority aforefaid, that until fuch certificate, under the hands of fjx of his congregation, as aforefaid, be produced, and two protefiant witneffes come to atteft his being a protefiant diffenter, or a certificate under the hands of four protefiants, as aforefaid, be produced, the jufiice of peace fhall, and hereby is required to take .a recognizance, with two fu reties, in the pe– nal fum of fifty pounds, to be levied of his goods and chattels, lands and tenements, to the ufe of the king's and qneen's majefiies, their heirs and fucceffors, for his producing the fame; and if he cannot give fuch fecurity, to commit him to prifon, there to remain until he has produced fuch certificate, or two witneffes as aforefaid. XV. Provided always, and it is the true intent and meaning of this Laws for di. aCt, that all the laws made and provided for the frequenting of divine :'ine fervice fervice on the Lord's day, commonly called Sunday, G1al! be fiill in force, m force. and executed againll: all perfons that offend againfl: the faid laws, except fuch perfons come to fame congregation, or affembly of religious wor1hip, allowed, or permitted by this aCt, XVI. Pro-