Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

Papijls ex– cepted. APPENDIX. XVI. Provided always, and be it further enaCl:ed by the authority aforefaid. that neither this aCt, nor any claufe, article, or thing, herein contained, !hall extend, or be confl:rued to extend, to give any eafe, benefit, or advantage, to any papifl: or popith recufant whatfoever, or any perfon, that !hall deny in his preaching or writing, the doCtrine of the blelfed trinity, as it is declared in the aforefaid articles of religion, DiJ!~dbm of XVII. Provided always, and be it enaCted by the authority afore– folzgz;,uswor-[.'lid, that if any perfon or perfons, at any time or times, after the ·,1:}f,~l,o§p1 ~- 1oth day of June, do, and thall willingly, and of purpofe, maliciou!ly, ·Geo. I. or coqtemptuou!ly, come into any cathedral, or pari!h church, chapel, ·Stat. 2 • or other congregation, permitted by this aCl:, and difquiet or difturb cap. 5· § 4 • the £1me, or mifufe any preacher or teacher; fuch perfon or perfons, -upon proof thereof, before any juftice of peace, by two or more fuffi– :eient witnelfcs, !hall find two fureties to be bound by recognizance in the penal fum of fifty pounds, and in default of fuch fureties !hall be .committed to prifon, there to remain till the next general or quarter fellions, and upon conviCtion of the faid offence, at the faid general or quarter iduons, !hall fuffer the pain and penalty of twenty pounds, to the ufe of the king's and queen's majefties, their heirs and fucce1fors. Place for XVIII. Provided always, that no congregation, or a1fembly for reli– worJ!:ip to hegious wor!hip, !hall be permitted or allowed by this aCl:, until the place .w:tijied. of fuch meeting !hall be certified to the bi!hop of the diocefe, or to .the archdeacon of that archdeaconry, or to the juftices of the peace, at the general or quarter feilions of the peace for the county, city, or place, in which fuch meeting !hall be held, and regiftered in the faid .bi!hop's or archdeacon's court refp~Cl:ively, or recorded at the faid ge– neral or quarter feffions, the regifl:er or clerk of the peace whereof ref– peCtively, is hereby required to regifter the fame, and to give certificate thereof to fuch perfon as !hall demand the fame, for which there !hall be no greater fee or reward taken than the fum of fix pence. Numb.