Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPEND , !.%. Numb. V. The o c c A s r o N A L c o N F o R M r T v A c T, entituled, an aafor preferving the prote.ftant religion, qy better ficu– ring the church ofEngland, as by law fjlablijhed; andfor confirming the toleration granted to protfjlant dijfen– ters qy an aB, entituled, an act for exempting their majefl:y's prote.H:ant fubjetl:s, diifenting from the church of England, from the penalties of certain laws, andfor Jupplying the defeEJs thereof; and for the further ficu– ring the prote.ftant fucceffion, by requiring the praEficers of the law in North Britain to ta'ke the oaths, and– fubfcribe the declaration therein mentioned. W H E R E A S an aCl: was made in the thirteenth year of the roth of~· reign of the late king Charles the fecond, entituled, an aCI Anne. for the well governing and regulating of corporations. And another aCl: was made in the five and twentieth year of the reign of the faid late king Charles the fecond, entiuled, an aCIfor the preventing dangers which may happen from popijh recufants. Both which aCl:s were made for the fecurity of the church of England, as by law efiablilhed. Now for the better fecuring the faid church, and quieting the minds of her majefty's proteftant fubjeCl:s dilfenting from the church of England, and rendring them fecure in the exercife of their religious worlhip ; as alfo for the further ftrengthening the provifion already made for the fecurity of the fucceflion to the crown in the houfe of Hanover ; Be it enacted by the -queen's moll excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiriritu al and temporal, and commons in parliament aff~mbled, and by the authority of the fame, that if any perfon or perfons, after the five and twentieth day of March, which 1hall be in the year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, either peers or commoners, who have, or lhall have any office or offices, civil or military, or receive any pay, falary, fee, or wages, by VOL, H. 5 T reafon