4PPENDIX. reafon of any patent or grant from or under her majefiy, or any of her majefiy's predeceffors, or of her heirs or fucceffors, or !hall have any command or place of tru!l: from or under her majefiy, her heirs or fucceffors, or from any of her majefiy's predcceffors, or by her or their authority, or by authority derived from her or them, within that part of Great Britain called England, the dominion of Wales, or town of Berwick t~pon 'Tweed, or in t_he n~vy, or in th~ fe~eral iOands of Jaji:y or Guernfey, or !hall be admitted Into any ferv1ce or employment in the houfhold or family of her majefiy, her 'heirs or fucceffors; or if any mayor, alderman, recorder, bailiff, town-clerk, common-council-man, or other perfon bearing any ' office of magifiracy, or place of trufi, or other employment relating to, or concerning th~ government of any the refpettive cities, corporations, boroughs, cinque ports, and their mem– bers, or other port towns within that part of Great Britain called Eng– land, the dominion of Wales, town of Berwick, or either of the iOes aforefaid, who by the faid recited aCts, or either of them, were or are obliged to receive the facrament of the Lord's fupper, according to the rites and uf.tge of the church of England, as ·aforefaid, !hall at any time after their admiilion into their refpective offices or employments, or af– ter having fuch patent or grant, command or place of tru!l:; as afore– faid, during his or their continuance in fuch office or offices, employ– ment or employments, or having fuch patent or grant, command or place of trufl:, or any profit or advantage from the the fame, knowing– ly or will ingly refort to, or be prefent at any conventicle, alfembly or meeting within England, Wales, Berwick upon Tweed, or the iJ1cs afore– faid, for the exercife of religion in other manner than according to the liturgy and praCtice of the church >of England, in any place within that part of Great Britain cal.led England, dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick upon 'Tweed, or the ifies aforefaid, at which conventicle, af– fembly, or meeting, there !hall be ten perfons or more affembled to– gether, over and befides thofe of the fame houlhold, if it be rn any houfe where there is a family inhabiting, or if it be in an houfe or place where there is no family inhabiting, then where any fuch ten perfons are fo a1fembled, as aforefaid; or !hall knowingly and willingly be prefent at any, fuch meeting in fuch houfe or place, as aforefaid, although the liturgy be there ufed, where her majefiy, (whom God long preferve), and the princefs Sophia, or fuch others as !hall from time to time be lawfully appointed io . be prayed for, !hall not there be prayed for in exprefs words according to the liturgy of the church of England, except where fuch particular offices of the liturgy are rifed, wherein there are no exprefs direCtions to pray for her majefiy and the roya~