Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPENDIX. royal family, lliall forfeit forty pounds, to be recovered by him or them that !hall fue for the fame, by any aCtion of debt, bill, plaint, or in– formation in any of her majeil:y's courts at Weflminjler, wherein no ef– foign, proteCl:ion, or wager of law !hall be allowed, or any more than one imparlance. And be it further enaCl:ed, that every perfon conviCl:ed in any aCl:ion to be brought, as aforefaid, or upon any information, prefentment or indiCl:ment, in any of her majefl:y's courts at I·Vejlminfler, or at the affi– zes, lhall be difabled from thencef6rth to hold fuch office or offices, employment or employments, or to receive any profit or advantage by reafon of them, or of any grant, as aforefaid, and {hall be adjudged incapable to bear any office or employment whatfoever within that part of Great Britain called Englr.nd, the dominion of Wales, or the town of Berwick upon 'Tweed, or the ifles of ]erjey or Guernfey. Provided always, and be it further enaCted by the authority aforefaid, that if any perfon or perfons who !hall have been conviCted as aforefaid, and thereby made incapable to hold any office or employment, or to re– ceive any profit or advantage by reafon of them, or of any grant, as aforefaid, !hall, after fuch conviCl:ion, conform to the church of Eng– land, for the fpace of one year, without having been prefent at any con- · venticle, a!fembly, or meeting, as aforefaid, and receive the facrament of the Lord's fupper, according to the rites and ufage of the church of England, at leaft three times in the year, every fuch perfon or perfons !hall be capable of the grant of any the offices or employments afore– faid. Prdvided · alfo, and be it further enaCted, that every fuch perfon fo conviCted, and afterwards conforming, in manner, as aforefaid, !hall at the next term after his admiffion into any fuch office or employment, make oath in writing, in fome one of her majefiy's courts at Wfflminjler, in public and open court, or at the nex-t qLJarter feffions for that coun– ty or place where he lhall refide, between the hours of nine and twelve in the forenoon, he hath conformed to the church of England for the fpace of one year before fuch his admiffion, without having been prefent at any conventicle, a!fembly or meeting, as aforefaid, and that he bath received the facrament of the Lord's fupper at/ Ieail: three times in the year; which oath !hall be there enrolled· and kept upon re- 1 cord. r. t Provided, that no pei-fon !hall fuffer any punithment for any offence committed againft this act, unlef.~ oath be made of fuch offence before fame judge or ju!l:ice of the peace, (who is hereby empowered and required to take the faid oath), within ten days after the faid offence committed, 5 T z . anfl ,