Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

A· P PE ND IX. and unlefs the faid offender be profecuted for the fame within tluree months after the faid offence committed, nor !hall any perfon be con– vitl:ed for any fuch offence, unlefs upon the oaths of two credible wit– netfes at the leaft. Provided always, that this aCl:, or any thing therein contained, or any offence againft the fame, iliall not extend or be judged to take away or make void any office of inheritance, neverthelefs fo as fuch p.erfon having or enjoying any fuch office of inheritance, do or !hall fubfl:itute; and appoint his fufficient deputy, (which fuch officer is hereby em– powered from time to time, to make or change, any f0rmer law er ufage to the contrary notwithftanding,) to exercife the faid office, until fuch time as the perfon having fuch office, !hall conform as ·aforefaid. And it is hereby further enatl:ed and declared by the authority afore– faid, that the toleration granted to proteftant ditfenters, by the' aB: made in the fir!l year of the reign of king Wiiliam and queen Mary; entitled, atz afl for exempting their majeflies prot1Jant fobjefls, dijfenting from the church of England, from the penalties of certain laws, !haU be, and is . hereby ratified and confirmed, and that the fame aB: !hall at all times be inviolably obferved, for the exempting of fuch prote!lant ditfenters as are thereby intended, from the pains and penalties therein mentioned, And for the rendering the faid la!l mentioned act more effectual, ac– cording to the true intent and meaning thereof, be it further enacted an& declared by the authority aforefaid, that if any perfon ditfenting fr0m the church of England, (not in holy orders, or pretended holy orders, or pretending to holy orders, nor any preacher or teacher of any con– gregation)1 who iliould have been entituled to the benefit of the faid la!l meQtioned aB:, if fuch perfon had duly taken, made, and fubfcr,ib– ed the oaths and declaration, or otherwife qualified him or herfelf,. as required by the faid act, and now is or iliall be profecuted upon or by virtue of any of the penal ftatutes, from which proteftant ditfenters, are exempted by the faid aB:, !hall at any time during fuch profecu– tion, take, make, and fubfcribe the faid oaths and declaration, or being of the people called quakers,· {hall make and fubfcribe the aforefaid de– claration, and alfo· the declaration of fidelity, and fubfcribe the pro– feffion of their chrillian beliefi according to the faid act, or before any two of her maje!l:JI'S ju!tices of the peace, (who are hereby required to take and return the fame to the next quarter feffions of the peace, to be there recorded), fuch perfon !hall be, and is hereby entituled to the benefit of the faid act, as fully and dfectually as if fuch fuch perfon had duly qualified himfelf within the time prefcribed by the faid ·a&:, and ihall be thenceforth exempted and difcharged. from aH the penalties and. foifeitures incurred by force of any of the aforefaid penal !latutes. - / ···· And