Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPENDI_ X. And whereas it is or may be doubted, whether a preacher or teacher of any congregation of diffenting protefrants, duly in all refpeCl:s qualified according to the faid act, be allowed by virtue of the faid act, to officiate in any congregation in any county, ot-he-r than that in which he fo qua– lified himfelf, although in a congregation or place of meeting, duly cer• tified and regifrered as is reqpired by the faH-Cl:;- Be it d<~clared- and-enac·– ted by the authority aforefa~d, that any fuch preacher or teacher, fo du– Iy qualified according to the faid act, thall be, and is hereby allowed· to officiate in any congregation, although· the fame be not in•the county w herein he was fo qualified; provided that the faid congregation', or place of meeting bath been before fuch officiating, duly certified and regifiered or recorded according to the faid act : And fuch preacher or teacher thall, if required, produce a certificate of his having fa qualified himfelf, under the hand of the clerk of the peace for the county or place where he fo qualified himfelf, which certificate fuch clerk of the peace is·. hereby required to make; and thall alfo before any jufiice of the peace o.£ fuch county or place where he !hall (o officiate, make and fubfcribe fuch declaration, and take fuch oaths as are mentioned in the faid ad, if thereunto required. And be it further enacred by the authority aforefaid, that on or·oefore the fifteenth day of June next, all advocates, writers to the fignet, nota– ries public, and other members of the college of jufrice, within that part of her majefry's kingdom of Great Britain called Scotland, thall be, and are hereby obliged to take and fubfcribe the oath appointed by t·he act of the fixth year of her majefiy's reign, entitled, an a[/fir the better ftcuri– ty ofher majejly's perfon andgovem ment, before the lords of fe!lion of the aforefaid p~rt of her maje!ly's kingdom, except fuch of the faid perfons who have already taken the fame : And if any of the perfons aforefaid do, or thall neglect or refufe to take and fubfcribe the faid oath, as afore– faid, fuch pedon thall be ipfo fa[/o adjudged incapable, and difabled in law tc;> have, enjoy,' or exercile in any manner his faid employment or practice. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that in all time coming, no perfon or perfons thall be admitted to the employment of ad• vacate, writer to the fignet, notary publick, or any office belonging to the faid college of jufiice, until he or they have taken and fubfcribed the aforefa id oath, in manner as is above directed. NUM B.