12/h of !Z: Anne. APPENDIX. Numb. VI. 7!:Je S CH. IS M A C T, entituled, an aEl to prevent the growth of Jchifttt, and for the further ficurity of the churches of England and Ireland, as ~ law efla– blijhed. ·w HE R E AS by an aCl: of parliament made in the thirteenth and fourteenth years of his late majefiy king Charles the fecond, entituled, an aCJ for the uniformity of. publick prayers, and admi– ni.ftration if Jacraments, and other rites and ceremonies; andfor tjtablijhing the form qfmaking, ordaining, a11d cotftcrating bijhops, pritjts, and deacons, in the church of England ; it is amongfl: other things enacted, that every fchool-mafl:er keeping any publick or private fchool, and every perfon inilructing or teaching any youth in any houfe or private family, as a ·tu– tor or fchool-maile.r, fhould fubfcribe before his or their refpective arch– bifhop, bifhop, or ordinary of the diocefe, a declaration or acknowledg– ment, in which, amongil other things, was contained, as follows, viz. I A. B. do declare, that I 7vill conform to the liturgy if the church if Eng. gland, as it is no1v by law efiab!ijbed; and if any fchool-mailer or other per– fen, inilruCt:ing or teaching youth in any private houfe or family, as a tutor or fchool-mafler, ihould inilmt1: or teach any youth as a tutor or fchool mailer, before licence obtained from hi,s refpective archbifhop, bifhop, or ordinary of the diocefe, according to the laws and ilatutes of this realm, for which he !llould pay twelve pence only, and before fuch fubfcription and acknowledgment made, as aforefaid, then every fuch fchool-mailer and other, inilruCting and teaching, as afore/aid, fhould, for the firfl: offence, fuffer three months imprifonment, without bail or mainprize; and for every fecond and other fuch offence, fhould fuffer three months imprifonment without bail or mainprize, and alfo forfeit to his majeily the fum of five pounds. And whereas notwithilanding the faid act, fundry rapills, and other perfons diflenting from the church of England, have taken upon them to inilruet and teach youth as tutors or fchool-mallers, and have for fuch purpofe openly fet up fch ools and feminaries, whereby, if due and fpeedy remedy be not had, great danger might enfue to this church and !late: For the making the faid recited aCl: