:A P P E N D I X. aB: more ef!"eB:ual, and preventing the danger aforefaid, be it enacted by the queen's moll: excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons in this prefent parlia– ment aifembled, and by the authori ty of the fame, that every perfon or perfons who fh all, from and after the firll: day of Augufl next enf11ing, keep any publick or private fchool or feminary, or teach and inil:ruct any youth as tutor or fchool -n1ail:er, within that part of Great Britain called England, the dominion of Wales, or town of Ber1vick upon Tweed, be– fore fuch perfon or perfons fi1all h1ve fubfcribed fo much of the faid de– claration and acknowledgment, as is before recited, and fhall have had and obtained a licence from the refpeCtive archbiihop, bifi1op, or ordinary of the place, under his feal of office (for which the parry fnall pay one fhilling and no more, over and above the duties payable to her majel1:y for the fame) and £hall be thereof lawfully convicted, upon an informa– t ion, prefentment, or indictment, in any of her majeil:y's courts of record at .Weflminjler, or at the affizes, or before juitices of oyer and terminer, fhall, and may be committed to the common goal of fuch county, riding, city, or town corporate, as aforefaid, there to remain without bail or mainprize for the fpace of three months, to commence from the time that fuch perfon or perfons a,all be received into the faid goal. Provided always, and be it hereby enaCted, .that no licence fhall be granted by any archbifhop, bi!hop, or ordinary, unlefs the perfon or perfons who lhall fue for the fame, lhall produce a certificate of his or their having received the facrament according to the ufage of the church · of E-ngland, in fome parifh church, wirhin the fpace of one year next before the grant of fuch licence, under the hand of the miniCter and one of the church-wardens of the faid parifh, nor until fuch perfon or per– fans lhall have taken and fubfcribed the oaths of allegiance and fupre– macy, and abjuration, as appointed by law, and fhall have made and fubfcribed the declaration againfr tranfubitantiation, contained in the act made in the twenty fifth year of the reign of king Charles the fecond, entituled, an aCl for preventing dangers 'which may happmfrom popijh re– czifan!J, before the faid archbj!hop, bilhop, or ordinary; which faid oaths and declarations, the faid archbifhop, bifhop, or ordinary, are her~by impowered and required to adminiiter and receive; and fuch archbilhops, bifhops, and ordinaries, are required to file fuch certificates, and keep an exact· regifter of the fame, and of the taking and fubfcribing fuch oaths rnd declarations. , And be it further enaCted by the author~ty aforefaid, that any perfon who lhall have obtained a licence, and fubfcribed the declarations, and taken and fubfcribed the oaths, as above appminted, and lhaU at any time