APPENDIX. oath he or they are hereby impowered and required to admini!ler, that the {aid prior profecution was not commenced or carried on by his means, or with his confent or procurement, or by any fraud or collulion of any other perfon to his knowledge or belief. Provided always, that this act, or any thing therein contained, lhall not extend, nor be confirued to extend to any tutor teaching or infirilc– ting youth in any college or ball, within either of the univerfities of that part of Great Britain called England, nor to any tutor who lhalt be employed by any nobleman or noblewomen, to teach his or her own children, grand-children, or great grand-children only, in his or her family ; provided fuch tutor, fo teaching in any nobbnan or noble– woman's family, do in every refpect qualify himfelf according to this act, except only in that of taking a licence from the bifhop. Provided alfo, that the penalties in this act fhall not extend to any foreigner, or alien of the foreign reformed churches, allowed, or to be al– lowed by the queen's rnajefiy, her heirs, or fucce1fors, in Engiand, for infiructing or teaching any child or children of any fuch foreigner or alien only, as (1 tutor or fchool-mafier. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, that if any perfon who fhall have been convicted, as aforefaid, and thereby made incapable to teach or infiruct any youth, as aforefaid, fhall, after fuch conviction, conform to the church of England for the fpace of one year, without having been prefent at any conventicle, a1fembly, or meeting, as aforeJaid, and receive the facrament of the lord's fupper, according to the rites and ufage of the church of E11gland, at leafi three times in that year, every fuch perfon or perfons fhall be again capable of having and uling a licence to teach fchool, or to infiruct youth as a tutor or fchool-mafier, he or they alfo performing all that is made re– quilite thereunto by this act. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted, that every fuch perfon fo convicted, and afterwards conforming, in manner as aforefaid !hall, at the next term after his being admitted to, or taking upon him to teach, or inll.ruct youth, as aforefaid, make oath in writing, in fome one of her majefiy's courts at Wejlmi'!fter, in publick and open court, or at the next quarter feffions for that county or place where he !hall re!ide, between the hours of nine and twelve in the forenoon, that he hath conformed to the church of E11gland, for the fpace of one year before (uch his admillion, without having been prefent at any conventicle, a1fernbly or meeting, as aforefaid, and that he hath received the facrament of the lord's fupper at leall: three times in the year, which oath fhaJI be there enrolled, and kept upon record. VoL. IT. 5 U Prov.ided 88r