Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

882 5th of K. George I. cap. 4· 10 /lnnte, cap. :z. APPENDIX. Provided always, that this aCl: !hall not extend, or be confirued to extend to any perfon, who as a tutor or fchool-mafier, lhall infiruCl: youth in reading, writing, arithmetick, or any part of mathematical learning only, fo far as fuch mathematical learning relates to navigation, or any mechanical art only, and fo as fuch reading, writing, arithme– tick, or mathematical learning, lhall be taught in the Englifh tongue only. And whereas by act of parliament made in Ireland, in the feven– teenth and eighteenth years of his faid late majefiy king Charles the fecond, entituled, an aCI for the uniformity of publick prayers, and ad– miniflration if the Jacraments, and other rites and ceremonies ; and fir ejlablijhing the form if making, ordaining, and confecrating of bijhops, priejls, and deacons in the church of Ireland ; it is enacted concerning fcliool-mafiers, and other perfons infiructing youth in private families in Ireland, as in and by the above recited act is enacted concerning fchool– mafiers and others infiructing youth in private families,in that part ofGreat Britai1z, called England. And whereas it is reafonable, that where the law is the fame, the remedy and means for enforcing the execution of the law ll10uld be the fame ; be it therefore enacted by the authority aforefaid, that all and every 'the remedies, provifions and claufes, in and by this act given, made, and enacted, !hall extend, and be deemed, ccnflrued, and adjudged to extend to Ireland, in as full and effectual man– ner as if Ireland had been exprefsly named and mentioned in all and every the claufes in this act. Numb. VII. ':Jhe R E P E A L, entituled, an a[l jon jlrengthening the Protellant Interefl: in thefe kingdoms. W HERE.A S an act of parliament was mad~ in the tenth year of the reign of the late queen Anne, entltuled, an aC! for pri!Jerving the proteftant religion by b~tterflcuring t~e church of England as by law dlablijhed, andfor ~o'!firmtng tht toleratton g;anted. to p~otif; ta.nt dijfenters, by an act, [ent1tuled, an aC! for exempttng thetr ma;ifl.Y, J protiflant jitbjeC!s dijfenting from the church of England from the pena!ttes if