APPENDIX: of certain laws; ] and fir Jupplying the difeC!s thereqf, and fir the fur– ther (ecuring the proteflant Jitcc~fjz'on, by requiring the praC!ifrm if the la~v in North Britain to take the oaths, and fubfcribe the declaration therein mentioned.] And whereas part of the faid aCt; ag alfo another aCt herein after mentioned, have been found to be inconvenient; be it therefore enacted by the king's moft excellent majefty, by and with the advice of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and commons in parliament a!fembled, and by the authority of the fame, that the faid recited aCt palled in the ten th year of the late queen Anne, from the beginning thereof to thefe words [and it is hereby further enaC!ed ond Part if tht declared, by the authority ciforffaid, tbat the toleration granted to pro- All to. A. trftant dil/entm. J And alfo one act made in the twelfth year of the ~h~'}i,iji~rd reign of the late queen Anne, [entituled, an aC! to prevent the growth .Afl if the of Jchifoz, and f or the further fecurity qf tbe churcbes if England and r21h of A. Ireland as by law rftab!ijhed] !hall be, and are hereby repealed, annulled, ;~ft,~,1~·b~~~: and made void. pealed. Provided always, and be it enaCted by the authority aforefaid, that if any mayor, bailiff, or other magi!lrate, in that part of Great Britaitt called England, the dominion of Wales, or town of Berwick upon· Tweed, or the ijles of Jerfly or Guer11Jey, !hall knowingly or willing!}' refort to, or be prefent at any publick meeting for religious worlhip, Mayo!'• &c. other than the church of E 1zgland as by law eftablilhed, in the gown, refort~?g to or other peculiar habit, or attended with the enfign or enGgns of, or~/?;, w~':h~~; belonging to fuch his office, that ev~ry fuch mayor, bailiff, or other En.fign~ if his magifirate, being thereof conviCted by due conrfe of law, ihall be dif- qffich difabled abled to hold fuch office or offices, employment or employments, and ;:bli;~do;;~, fhall be adjudged incapable to bear any public!;: ofrice or employment whatfoever within that part of Great Britain called England, the dominion of Wales, and town of Berwick upon Tweed, or ifles of <Jetjey and Guernfly. 5 -u 2 A RE-