Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

' . · !![all t/;e Counfels of God. 53 · the TJivine Nature of Jefus Chrifr. For.wherc;as the Apofl:le plainly affirms, that the works of the C~eation do demon– ttrate the Eternal Power and Godheadof h1m by whom they were created, Rom. r. i9, 20. And not only fo, but it is un– controulably evident in the light of Nature .; it being fo di– reCtly, expref1y, frequently affirmed, that 'all things what– ever, abjolute[y, ~nd in their 4ifiributions into Heaven and Earth, with the things contained refpefrively in them, were made ,and created by Chrifr, it is the highefl: Rdellton a~ gainfi the light and· teachings of God, to disbelieve his Divine Exifience and Power. · . . . ~ Again it is added, that lie is the firfl-born of e'·very Crea– ture; which principally refpefrs the New Creation, as it is de- .dared 'V. 18. He is t!Je Head of the body the Church,the begin– ing ;-tbe frjl-born from the dead, that in all things he might have the preheminence. For in him were all the Counfels of God b~_d fot~ the Recovery of all things ~nto himfelf; as he was to be Incarnate. And the Accompliihment ofthefe Coun– fels of God by him, the Apofl:le declares at large in the en– fuing Verfes . And thef~ things are both conjoyned and compofed in this place. l}.s God the Fc~ther did nothing in .thefrfl Creation but by him as his Eternal Wifdom, John r. 3 ~ Heb. r. 2. Prov. 8. fo he defigned nothing in the New Crea- .iion or Refl:oration of all things unto his 61ory, but in him .as he was to be incarnate. Wherefore in his Perfon were laid all the Fou.r-:dation of the Counfels of God for the SanCtifi– cation and Salvation of the Church. Herein he is ·glorified, and that in a way unfpeakably exceeding all that Glory which would have accrewed unto him from the firfi Crea– tion, had .all things abode in their primitive Confl:itution. His Perfon therefore is the Foundation of the Church, , the great ff!yt1ery ofGodlinefs, or the Religion we profefs; ' the entire life and foul of all fpi~tual Truth; in that . all / •.the-