Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

54\ T!n?Perjo.1t l>[CJJ.rift tl;.egreat ~prefentatiq;e the CounfeIs of the Wifdom, lSrace and Go.od~tifs af God, for the Redemption, Vocatitm, SanElification anti Salvation of tbe Church, were all laid in him, nnd lry him were all to he a'- co~nplijbed. _ cHAP. V. T7J~ Perfon of Chrifl tlJe great (]{sprefontati)!e of God and hi-5 Will. V\ / Hat may be known of God, is his Nature and Exifl– ence, with the Holy Counfels ~fhis Will. A Re· prefentation of them unto us, is theFoundation ofall Religion, and the means ofour Conformity unto him, wherein our ptefentDuty, and future Bleifednefs do conftft. For toknow God, fo as thereby to be made like unto him, is the chief End ofman. This is doneperfeCl:ly only in the Perfon of Chrif/, all other means of it being fubordinate thereunto, and non~ of them of the fame Nature therewithal. The End of the Word it felfis to inftrufr us in the knowledge ofGod inChrifr. That therefore which I !hall now demonftrate is, that in the , Perfon andMediation of Chrifl (which are infeparaUe in all the refpe!ls of Faith tmto him) there is made unto us a BleffedRe– prefentation of the Glorious Properties of the Di·vine Nature, and ofthe holy Counfe!s of the Wi!lof God. The firfi of thefe I ihall fpeak unto in this Chapter ; the other in that which enfues; wherein we fl1all manifeft ho~ all Di-vine Truths do centeK in the Perfon ofChrift. Add the Confideration offundry ,things are neceifary unto the Expli cation hereof - I. God in his ownEj{ence, Being and Exiil:ence is abfolutely incomp_rehenjib!e. His Nature being Immenfe; and all his -, l1oly