the Salvation of the Church frmn his Perfon. I o3 .I cannot believe in him as my Heavenly King, who is not able by himfelf, and by the Vertue of his Pre!ence with me, to make what . changes and alterations he pleafeth in the Minds of men, and in the whole Creation ofGod, to re– lieve, preferve and deliver me, and to raife my body at the lafl: day. To fuppofe that the Lord Chrifl: as the King and Head of the Church, hath not an Infinite, Divine ', where– by he is able alwaies to relieve, fuccour, fave and deliver it, if it were to be done by the alteration of the whole, or any part of God's Creation, fo as that the fire ihou d not burn, nor the water overwhelm them, nor men be able to re– their thoughts or ability one moment to affliCt them ; . and1 that their difl:relfes are not alwaies Effects of his \Vif– dom, and never from the clefeCl of his Power, is utterly to overthrow all Faith, · Hope, anG.l, the whole ofReligion it felf. Afcribe therefore unto the·. Lord Chrifl: in the exercife of his King,[y Of/ice, onlyamoral Power, operative by Rules and Laws, with the help of external Infiruments; deprive him of Omniprefence, and Omnifcience , with infinite Divine Power and Vertue to be aCted at his pleafure in and over the whole Creation, and you rafe the Foundation of all Chrifii– an Faith and Hope to t:he ground. There are no trueBelievers who will part with their Faith herein for the whole World; namely, that the Lord Jefus Chrifl:, is able by his Divine Power and Prefence immedi- . a:ely to aid, affin, relieve, and -deliver them in every mo– ment of their furprizals, fears and dangers, in every trial or Duty they may be called unto, in every difficulty they have to conflittwithal. And to expect 'thefe things any otherwife but by vertue of his Divine Nature, is wQfully to deceive our own fouls. For this is the Work of God. · I. The