ti;e NatureallaCru~(es ofit. 1 33 m~tyunto him being their Defign,) they cannot but apply thet~felves unto him infolemn lnvccatio~, for afarther com– munf\.ation of that Grace unto them, trom hts fiores and fulnefs\ And ihefe things mutually promote one another .in us if~uly attended unto. A due fenfe ofour own dejeff in any Grace, will farther us i_n the profpett of the Glo'J' of , thatGra~e in Chri£1:. And a view, a due Contemplation of the glori9us exercife ofa;ry Grace in him, will give us light to dticover our own great defeff therein,_ and want thereof. Under a fenfe of both, an immediate Application unto Chrifr by Prayer , w·ould be an unfpeakable furtherance of our growth in Grace, and conformity unto him. Nor can there be any more effeCtual way or means to draw fupplies ofGrace from him, to draw water from the wells of Salvation When in an holy Admiration of, and fervent Love unto any Grace as eminently exercife.l in and by him, with a fenfe of our own want of the fame Grace, we ask it of him in Faith, he will not deny it unto us. So the Difciples upon the Prefcrip– tion of a Difficult Duty unto whofedue pertormance a good meafure of Faith was required; out of a fenfe of the Alful– nefs of him, and their own defect in that Grace which was· neceffary unto· the peculiar Duty there prefcribed, immedi– ately pray unto him, faying, Lord increafe our Faith, Luke I 7. 5. The fame is the cafe with refpefr unto any T cmptation that may befal us, wherewith he was exercifed, and over which he -prevailed. . 5· The iime of f)eath whether natural, or violen't for his - fake, ~sa feafo~ ofthe fa:ne na~ure. So ~tephen-nycommen– ded hts departmg foul mto hts hands wtth fol~mn Prayer; LordJefus, faid he, receive mv Spirit . To the fame pur– pofe have been the prayers of many of his Faithful Martyrs in the flames, and under the Sword . · In the fame manner cloth the Faithof Innumerable holy fouls worl( in the midft of