Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

I '8 The Principleofthe Aftignation ofDivine Honour vine Revelation. Befides, on this fuppofition theye is in the words not the lea:fl: intimation of any Relief, that God ten– dred unto our Parents for their Delivery from the :fl:ate and condition whereinto they had ca:fl: themfelves by their fin . and Apofiacy. Wherefore they mufi be efteemed to be left abfolutely under the curfe/as the Angels were that fell,which is to root all Religion out of the world. For amongfl: them who are abfolutely under the curfe without any Remedy, there can be no more than is in Hell. Or (2.) It muft be, becaufefome other wtry of 'Deliverance and Salvation, and not that by Chrift, is here- propofed and promifed. But whereas they were to be wrought by the feed of the woman, if this were not that Chrift in whom we do believe, there was ano– ther promifed, and he is to· be rejected. And this is fairly at once to blot out the whole Scripture as a Fable. For there is not a line of doctrinal Truth in it, but what depends on the Tradufrion of Chrifl: from this firfl: Promife. 3· This Promj fe was conjirmed, and the wtry of the Delive– rance of the Church by vertue of it declared in the I nftitution of Expiatory Sacrifices. Qod in them and by them declared trom the Beginning, that without.fhedding, ofblood there was no Remiffion; that Atonement for fin was to be made by Subftitution and Satista fr ion. With refpefr unto therri the · Lord Chrift was called t he Lamb ofGod, even as he took a– way the fins of the world by the facrifice of himfelf,Joh. I .29. For wewert redeemedwith thepreciour bloodofChrifl, as of a Lam/; without blemijh and without jpot , _I Pet. I. I9· Where– in the Holy Spirit refers unto the Infl:itution and nature of Sacrifices from the Beginning. And he is thence reprefented in H~aven as a Lam/; tbat had been jlain, Re·v. 4· 6. the Glory ofHeaven arifing from the · fruits and effefrs of his Sacrifice. And becaufe of the Reprefentat ion thereof in all the former Sacr ifices., is he faid io be a L am/; flain from t he foundat ion pf