Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

unto·the Perfon ofChrifl. 14~ accompanytheAccomplifhment of this Promife,Jucle 1 ).And Noah was aPreacher ofthe Righteoufnefs to be brought in by it, 2 Pet. 2. )·as he was an heir of the Rig,hteoufnefswhich is by Faith in himfelf, He/;. r L 7· · · 6. All the Promifls that God gave afterwards unto the Church under the Old Tefiament, before and after giving the Law, all the Covenants that he entred into with particular perfons, or the whole Congregation of Believers, were all ofthemDeclarations andConfirmations of thiJjirfl .Promife, or theway of Salvationby the Mediation ofhis Son, becoming the feed ofthe woman to break the head of the Serpent, and to work out the Deliverance ofmankind. As moit of thefe Promifes w~re exprefly co11cerning, him, [o all ofthem in the Counfel of God were confirmed in him,. · 2 Cor. I. 20. And as there are Depths in the Scripture of the Old Teftament concerning him which we cannot fathom; and things innu– merable ipoken of him or in his Perfon which we conceive not ; fo the principal defign of the whole is the declaration ofhim and his grace. And it is unprofitable unto them who are otherwife minded. Sundry Promifes concerning tempo– ral things were on ~arious occafions fuperadded unto this great fpiritual Promife ofLife and Grace. And the Enemies .of the Perlon and Mediation of Chrifi, do contend that men are juil:ified by their Faith and Obedience with refpeB: unto thofeparticular Re·velations, which were only concerning temporal things. But to fuppofe that all thofe Revelations and Promifes were not built upon, and refolved imo, did not include in them the Grace and Mercy ofthis firfl Promifc, is to make them Curfes inil:ead of Bleffings, and deprivati– ons of that Grace which was infinitely better than what on this fuppofition was contained tn them. The Tmth is, they were all Additions unto it,and confirmations ofit,nor had any thing of Spiritual Good in them, but upon a fuppoiition of it.