unto tl;ePer [on of C/;rifl . x45 Faith in him as fo promifed. There was thereforeFaith in him required from theFoundation ofthe World; that is, fr om the entrance of fin. And how this Faith refpetted his Perfon bath been before declared. Now Faith in him as promifed for the Works and Ends of his 1\1ediation, and Faith in him as actually exhi/;ited, and as having accomplifhed his work, are efientially the fame, and differ only with refpefr unto the Oeconomy of times which God difpofed at his pleafure.Hence the Efficacy of his Mediation was the fame unto them who then fo believed,as it is now unto us after his afrual exhibition in the fleih. · But yet it is acknowledged, that as unto the clearnefs and fulnefs of the Revelation ofthe Myftery of the ·Wifdom and Grace of God in him, as unto the conflitution ofhi:J Perfon in his Incarnation, and therein the Determination of the indivi– dual Perfon promifed from the Beginning, through the afrual accomplifhmentof the work which he was promifed for. Faith in him as the Foundation of that DivineHonour which it is our Duty to give unto him,is far more evidently and mani. f eflly revealed& required intheGofpel,orunder the NewTe– fiament than it was under the Old. See Eph.3.8,9,Io,1 1. The refpefr of Faith now unto Chrift, is that which renders it truly Evangelical. To believe in him, to believe on his name, is that fignal efpecial Duty which is now required of us. Wherefore the ground of the acrual Affignation ofDivine Honour unto the Perfon ofChrifr in both branches of it, Ado– ratio~a, and lnWc.ati01t, is Faith in him. So he faid unto the blindman whofe~ey~s he opened, Believefl thou on the Son of God?John 9~ 35· An'a hefaid, Lord I /;elie·ve, and heworjhip· pedhim. Ya. ~8. All Divine Worfhip or Adoration, is a confequent effefr and fruit of Faith. So alfo is Invocation; for how}hall theycall on him in whom' they ha·ve not believed, V Rom.