unto tl;e Perfon ofC/;rift. World, and the Declaration ofthe Mind of God in the Gof– pel made by him. Anaffentuntothe Truth ofthe Gofpel as revealed byChrifi, is with the.m the whole of that Faith in Chrifr Jefus which is required of us. Of all that Poifon which at this day is diffufed in the minds ·of men corrupting then1 froni. the Myfrery of the Gofpel, there is no p·art that is more pernitious than this one per– verfe imagination, that to helie'Ve in Chrifl is' nothing at all but tohelie'Ve the DoElrine of the GofPel, which yet we grant is included therein. For as it allows the confideration ofno Office in him, but that of a Prophet, and that not as ve!l:ed and exercifed in his Divine Perfon, fo it utterly overthrows the whole Foundation of the Relation of the Church unto him, and Salvation by him. · _ That which fuits my prefent defign is to evince that it is the PerfonofChrift which is the firfr and principal Object of that Faith wherewith we are required to believe in him; and .that fo to do , is not only to affent unto the Truth of the Dofrrine revealed by him, but alfo to . place our irufl and. {onjdence in him, . for Mercy, Relief and ProteCtion, for Righteoufnefs, Life an~Salvation, for a Bleffed Refurrefrion and' Eternal Reward. This I fhall firfi manifefr from fome few ofthofe multiplied Tefrimonies, wherein this Truth is declared, and whereby it is confirmed, as alfo with fome Ar– guments taken from them, and then proceed 'to declare the Ground,Nature and Exercife of this Faith it felf. · As unto the T efiimonies confirming this Truth, it mufi be obferved of them all in general, that wherever Faith is re– quired towards our Lord Jefus C~rifi, it is frill called belie– ving in him, or on his name, according as Faith in God abfo– lutely is every where expreffed. If no more be intended but onlythe Beliefof the Doctrine revealed by him; then whofe Doctrine foever we are 'obliged to believe, we may be rightly · V 2 faid