148 The Principle oftl;e A(sigrztttion ofDiroine l~onour faid to belie·ve in them, or to believe on their name. For infiance, we are obliged to believe the Doctrine of Paul the Apofile, the 1levelations made by him, and that on the ha·– zard ofour eternal welfare, by the unbelieving ofthem. Yet that we ihould be faid to believe in Paul, is that which he did utterly detefi I Cor. I. q, I 5'· For the places themfelves the Reader may confult among others, John I.I2. Chap. 3· r6, IS, 36. Chap. 6.29, 35', 41. Chap. 7· 38, 39· AEl. I4 23. Chap. 1,6. 3r. Chap. I9· 4 Chap. 24. 24. Chap. 26: I 8. Rom. 3· 26. Chap . 9· B· Chap. ro. 1 r. I. Pet. z. 6. I John)· I o, I 3. There is not one of thefe but fpffic'iently confirms the Truth. Some few others not name~ may be briefly infified on. John 14. 1. Te belie·ve in G~d, believe alfo in me. The Difiinchonmade between God and him, limits the name of God unto the Perfon of the Father. Faith is required in them both, and that difiinctly; Te believe in God, believe alfo in me. And it is the fame Faith of the fame kind, to be exerci– fed in the fame way and manner, that is required, as is plain in the words. They will not admit of a double·Faith, of one fortin God, and of another in Chrifi, orofa dillinfr way of their exercife. . Wherefore as Faith Divine is fixed on, and terminated in the Perfon of the Father, fo is it likewife difiinfrly in and on the Perfon of the ~~ and it was to evidence his Divine Na– ture unto them w)iich ~s the Ground and Reafon oftheir Faith, that he gave his comn;iand unto his Difciples. This he far– ther tefiifies, ver. 9, ro, r r. And as untotheexercifeofthis , .Faith, it refpefred th~ relief of their fouls under Troubles, Fears and Difconfolati~ns. Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe-alfo in me. To believe in hi:m unto the relief of our fouls againfi troubles is not to aiient meerly unto the Doctrine of the Gofpel, but allo to place our -· · Trufl