Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT300 .O9 1679

unto t/;e Perjon-ofC!Jrift. 149 Trufl and Confidence in him, forfuch fupplies ofGrace, for fuch an exercife of the Acts of his Divine Power, as whereby we may be.fupported and delivered. And we have herein the whole of what we plead. Divine Faith acted difiinctly in, and rerminaied on the Per1on of Chrifr,and that with refpefr unto fupplies of Grace and Mercy from him in a way of Di– vine Power. So he fpeaks ·unto Martha, John I r. 25, 26, 27. He that Believeth inme, though he were Dead, yet }hallhe Live, and whofoever Liveth and Believeth on me, he}hall never Vie, Be– lievejl thou this? whereunto :fhe anfwers, Tea Lord I belie·ve that thou art Chrijl the Son ofGod. His Perfon was the Ob– ject of her Faith, ;and her bdief in him eomprized a trufl: for all Spiritual and Eterna lI\'fercies. I 1hall add one more wherein not only the thing it felf,but the efpecial Ground and Reafon of it is declared, Gal. 2. 20. The lifewhich I now live in the jlejh, I live~y the .Faith ofthe Son of God, who loved me, andg,ave himfelffor me. That Faith he aiferts which is the Caufe and Spring of our Spiritual life ; that life unto God, which we lead in the fleih, or whildl:.. we are in the body not yet admitted unto Sight and Enjoy– ment. Of thisFaith the Son ofGod, is both the Author and the Object, t!~ e latter whereof is here principally intended. And this is evident from the Reafon and I\1otive of it, which are expreifed. This Faith I live by, am in the continual ex– ercife of, becaufe he loved me,and gave himfelf for me. For this is that which doth po\\;erfully influence our hearts to fix our Faith in him and on him. And that Perfon who fo loved us, i5 the fame in whom we do believe. If his Perfon was the Seat of his own Love, it is the0/;jefl of our Faith. And this Faith is·not only our Duty, but our Life. He that hath it not, is dead in the fight ofGod. . But I hope it is not yet necei1ary to multiply Tefiimonies to