1 ·; o TJ,e.Principle oft!Je Aftignation ·of Divine Honour to prove it our Duty to believe in Jefus Chrifi; that is, to believe in the Perfon of the Son of God, for o·her Faith in ~hrift there i~ none,yet I fhall add one or two confiderations m the confirmation of it. - I. There is no more neceifary hereunto, namely, to prove tl~e Perfon of Chrifi, the Son ofGod to be the proper and di– fhnfr Obj~fr ofFaithDivine, thanwhat we have already de– m_onfirated concerning the folemn Invocation of him. For fa1th the Apofile, how}hall they call on him in whom they ha'Ue not belie·ved? Rom. I o. I 4· It holds on either fide. We can– not, · we ought not to call on him in whom we do not, we ought not to believe. And in whom we do believe, on him we ought to call. Wherefore if it be our Duty to call on the name of Chrifr, it is our Duty to believe i1,1 the Perfon of Chrifr. And if to believe in Chrifr be no more but to be– lieve the DoCtrine of the Gofpel which he hath revealed ; then everyone whofe Doctrine we are obliged to believe, on them we ought to call alfo. And on this ground we may call on the names of the Prophets and Apofiles, as well as on the name of Jefus Chrifi, and be faved thereby. But whereas Invocation or Prayer proceedeth from Faith, and that Prayer is for Mercy, Grace, Life andEternal Salvation, Faith mufi be fixed on the Perfon fo called on as able to give themall unto us, or that Prayer is in vain. Again, that we are baptized into the name of/Jefi1s Chrifl:, and that difiinfrlywith the Fat~1er, is a fufficent evidence of the neceility ofFaith in his Perfon. For we are therein given up unto Univerfal Spiritual fubjecrion of foul unto him, and dependance on him. Not to believe in him, on his Name, that is his Perfon, when we are fo given up unto him, or baptized into him, is virtually to renounce him. But to put a prefent clofe unto this contefi~ Faith in Chrifl: is that grace wherebv t he Church is united'ilnto him, incorporated into one